cc` !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> My Dragon's Lair Sharing is the reason for my being...: Care2 is a wonderful resource for activism. Help those who cannot protect themselves!

My Dragon's Lair Sharing is the reason for my being...

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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Care2 is a wonderful resource for activism. Help those who cannot protect themselves!

In two days from this post the slaughter begins. Please speak out, be heard that you don't condone this being accepted by our stewardship over our fellow creatures on Earth!
Hi Friends, I have just read and signed the petition: "Call on Canada's New Prime Minister to End the Seal Slaughter!" Tell Prime Minister Harper why the seal hunt must be stopped!
I wrote: "To witness the video of the monitors that year after year (who) witness this horrific annual act of monsters who don't have hearts for a 3% increase in their income to feed the European Retail Clothing Trade is unspeakable. It will never leave my head, I sat and sobbed for a long time! How are there people who can do such things? How do they love, live, and sleep?" There is a quota of 325,000 baby seals made each year. Their heads are beaten with clubs with a nail on the end. And they are skinned before they are dead. They have no use for the meat. So the bloody bodies are left on the ice. The fishermen torment the monitors because they are not allowed less than 10 feet from them. If it is seen that they are closer they can be forbidden to be allowed to document the slaughter. Thanks ever so much for trying to help!
"Before seal hunt, a war of words" This is from The
Associated Press I cannot reproduce the article. Reading it I guess the 3% has increased $14.5 million ~ earn 25-40% of their annual income by selling the seal pelts and blubber for about $70 each. It says that this is their alternative because of the Cod no longer being there to fish. What happens when there are no more seals to make a quick buck? What will they turn to next? Greed has no conscience. This is the link:
These are other articles: Paul McCartney and his wife are going to witness in protest.
With the slaughter going on till late May this will be the largest killing in over 50 years at 350,000; and that 25 years ago the seals were almost wiped out. So it is another success story of conservation that is not being heeded now.
Found photo links to the protests in Canada on on this link (3 pages)
You'll find a lot here. Including the recent interview by Larry King with the McCartney's. For more ways to be active in the fight go to: htttp://
Graphic content included: Save the world's seals: (I didn't open) Martin Sheen Speaks Out Against The Seal Hunt
Thank you for caring!


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