Looking for brain teasers found animal torture.
You might think these brain tests are cool and benign. As I was looking for more I found this from Wikipedia. Caution. Do not go to links if you cannot handle reading and seeing what 'human beings' do to other primates.
If you want to read what else we do as the more evolved creature, which is cold blooded calculated torture, read the experiments on Cambridge University Primates. And the varience of the licence does not account that these are violations against living breathing feeling creatures, that laugh and cry like you and I, even if you don't understand what they say and think. And I know there are those of you who think that animal testing gets Human Beings better health and longer lives. For the sacrifice of others do you appreciate or thank them?- EU Votes to end testing. More links from a blog. June 2007: European MPs of all parties rushed to support a new Written Declaration this week, calling for an end to the use of Great Apes and wild-caught primates in research. Click here to read ‘The Primate Nations’ Report
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- Legal Status: See also: Non-human primate experiments and International trade in primates
Humans are recognized as persons and protected in law by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights[8] and by all governments, though to varying degrees. Non-human primates are not classified as persons. The status of non-human primates has generated much debate, particularly through the Great Ape Project [9] which argues for the personhood of the non-human members of the family Hominidae. In 1995 Ignaas Spruit, director of Leiden (Netherlands) based Pro-Primates organization, went farther, as he proposed that some rights should be recognized to all non-human primates.[10] In the same way, the American anthropologist Earnest Albert Hooton, enlarging the sense of the famous quote by Terence, used to say "Primas sum: primatum nil a me alienum puto", that is to say: “I am a primate; nothing about primates is outside of my bailiwick”[11].
Animal testing - Thousands of primates are used every year around the world in scientific experiments because of their psychological and physiological similarity to humans. Chimpanzees, baboons, marmosets, macaques, and green monkeys are most commonly used in these experiments. In the European Union, around 10,000 were used in 2004, with 4,652 experiments conducted on 3,115 non-human primates in the UK alone in 2005.[12] As of 2004, 3,100 non-human primates were living in captivity in the United States, in zoos, circuses, and laboratories, 1,280 of them being used in experiments.[9] European campaign groups such as the BUAV are seeking a ban on all primate use in experiments as part of the European Union's current review of existing law on animal experimentation.
Labels: animal care, beware, cruelty to animals, ethics, illusion, torture
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