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My Dragon's Lair Sharing is the reason for my being...

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween Jokes for the week...

Humor for the Season

From one of my favorite HPS'.
This link will put you to their current jokes for the week.
It tickles me when they publish the jokes I share from my friends.
Some of this week's best Halloween/Samhain jokes. For the Week of 10/29.
Samhain, (pronounced SOW-in,) means "End of Summer".
Originally this "Feast of the Dead" was celebrated in Celtic countries by leaving food offerings on altars and doorsteps for the "wandering dead."
Today, many of us still carry out that tradition. Single candles are lit and left in a window to help guide the spirits of ancestors and loved ones home. Extra chairs are set to the table and around the hearth for the unseen guest.
Apples are buried along roadsides and paths for spirits who were lost or had no descendants to provide for them. Pumpkins are hollowed out and carved to light the way, for this is a night when the veils between the worlds is the thinnest and spirits abound. Blessed Be.
Two men were walking home after a party and decided to take a shortcut through the cemetery just for laughs.
Right in the middle of the cemetery they were startled by a tap-tap-tapping noise coming from the misty shadows.
Trembling with fear, they found an old man with a hammer and chisel, chipping away at one of the headstones.
"Holy cow, Mister," one of them said after catching his breath. "You scared us half to death -- we thought you were a ghost! What are you doing working here so late at night?"
"Those fools!" the old man grumbled. "They misspelled my name!"

What do you call a ghost's mother and father ? Transparents.
You get winded from knocking on the door.
You have to have another kid chew the candy for you.
You ask for high fiber candy only.
When someone drops a candy bar in your bag, you lose your balance and fall over.
People say, "Great Keith Richards mask!" and you're not wearing a mask. When the door opens you yell, "Trick or..." and can't remember the rest.
By the end of the night, you have a bag full of restraining orders.
You have to carefully choose a costume that won't dislodge your
You're the only Power Ranger in the neighborhood with a walker.
You avoid going to houses where your ex-wives live.

Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire, burn; and caldron, bubble.

Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg, and howlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire, burn; and caldron, bubble.

Why do mummies have trouble keeping friends?
They're too wrapped up in themselves.

Article: GOD'S SECOND-FAVORITE HOLIDAY — By Steve Roberts. A charming piece on why Halloween is such a wonderful time of year.
His writings: The words above the key are what people have to say about him/his teachings.
Links to his photos and writings on Stones:
For the 3 entries the graphics are from & Thanks for you help making my stuff interesting!
And looking up Halloween on MySpace looking for someone I know ... I found a new interesting place. Intersting Read.


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