Lost Worlds: Atlantis on the History Channel 3/27 8pm
Field investigators using the latest research, expert analysis, and cutting-edge technology take us back to ancient Greece, to a peaceful island that exploded with devastating force. But, at the dawn of the 20th Century, the remains of a palace were discovered on the island of Crete, preserved beneath volcanic ash. Could the ruins be home to the ancient civilization of Atlantis? Our investigators find that a Cretan palace and a town on Santorini are linked by unique engineering of their buildings. Rebuilding towns, temples, and the palace of Atlantis as described by Plato, we reveal the majesty and mystery of this lost world. The builders of the original palace achieved a level of engineering excellence not matched for centuries. With its massive scale, complex water-management systems, and sparkling gypsum walls, the engineering of this extraordinary palace connects it to Plato's descriptions of Atlantis.
Tuesday, March 27 08:00 PM
Wednesday, March 28 12:00 AM
Rating: TVPG Running Time: 60 minutes Genre: Exploration
Hi, I have found this interesting message in an Atlantis Forum:
Obligatory Decalogue for the Identification of Atlantis..
All we know the list Milos Conference (2005). Nevertheless there are only few points that are obligatory, the others could be left like secondary. These points are exclusive of Atlantis, that is to say, are those points that cannot be ignored, and that are not common, that is to say, that they cannot be with facility in any place of the world. In this reduction of points I have omitted the numbers and measures, because the studies of codices and MS demonstrate that great contradictions exist. Therefore, neither the numbers of the measures and distances, nor the numbers of the dates can be considered like safe elements in the scientific discussion.
These are the 10 key points that are obligatory to fulfill, to be able to seriously maintain and to scientific rigor any hypothesis on Atlantis:
1. The Atlantis should have been located where an Insular-Land used to be and where parts of it may still exist.
2. The Insular-Land Atlantis should have been located “before the mouth” of the Pillars of Hercules, but in the Pelagus Atlantic, not in the Mediterranean.
3. The Insular-Land denominated like Atlantis were divided by Poseidôn in ten parts or districts, and one of those ten parts was an extremity that arrived until one part of the Pillars of Hercules, and its denomination was Gadeira.
4. In Atlantis, in its ground, a native human species arose, that is, indigenous a human species or endemic, that is to say, that the first human beings of Atlantis did not come from any other part of the world but that were born in he himself ground of Atlantis.
5. Atlantis must have sheltered a literate population with writing system, and endemic or indigenous language, with metallurgical and navigational skills, and use of chariot-horses.
6. Elephants were present at least in a part of Atlantis, and ivory was used.
7. The Atlantis Acropolis lay on a rectangular coastal plain, surrounded by mountains falling into the sea.
8. Atlantis were “beneath the sun” (huph' hêliôi), expression that it indicates was - most of the year - in a sunny place.
9. The war between the Atlanteans and Athenians occurred in Cecrops, Erechtheus, Erichthonius and Erysichthon times, before Theseus's times.
10. The Acropolis of Atlantis should have been reachable from Athens by sea; and at some time it must have contacts with the Greeks.
“Milos Conference Match”, reviewed and corrected by Georgeos Diaz-Montexano (2005-2007).
Any hypothesis or theory that does not respect these obligatory points, simply does not have straight not even to being considered like a serious or scientific hypothesis.
Some considerations on points 4 and 5.
The study of the languages of old Iberia Nêsos, that had writing, like the Tartessians, Turdetanians, Iberians, etc., demonstrates that the old settlers of Iberia, before the arrival of phoenicians, Greek and Roman, spoke languages that do not belong, that is to say, that is not relatives, of no of the known linguistic families; therefore, it is impossible to maintain no hypothesis on the origin of the old settlers of Iberia, without before demonstrating that the propose civilizations as cradle of Iberia, has languages such. Conclusion. Proofs demonstrates - until the moment - that the old civilizations of Iberia like the Tartessians and Iberians are absolutely original, native, indigenous, endemic, that is to say, which they had its origin in same Iberia Nêsos, from the most remote antiquity, that is to say, from before the human being that lived in Iberia learned to speak. The languages of Iberia, as it happened with the language of Sumeria, were born in he himself ground of Iberia make hundreds of thousands of years, or make million years, because nobody has been able to demonstrate - to date - that the languages of Iberia derive from other well-known languages.
When one compares the old languages of Iberia with other old languages that family well-known or demonstrated as does not have either it is the case of the Sumerian, or the Basoue, then the conclusion is that the old languages of Iberia, that is, the language of the Tartessians, or the language of most of the Iberians tribes, is not Sumerian, nor is Basque, in spite of being the so near Basoue geographically.
Plato locates to the Atlanteans like inhabitants of the earth that are next to the Atlantic Pelagus, “before the mouth” (pro tou stómatos) of the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar), and next to the region of Gadeira, that is, in the surroundings of the Straits of Gibraltar, and the coasts of Iberia and Morocco, but always in the Atlantic. This same one says all the authors of the antiquity who spoke of these three geographic points, and that spoke of Atlantis. Therefore, it is an unquestionable fact for any person who respects the scientific rigor and the truth. Then, if the Atlanteans were inhabitants of the Atlantic coasts of Iberia and Morocco, then the Atlanteans can have been Etruscan, neither Sumerians, nor such inhabitants of no other place of the Planet.
Plato affirms that the Atlanteans had a native origin, that is to say, native, endemic, from Euênôr, which he was the first human being that arose in Atlantis, being born of the own earth, that is to say, that did not come from any part. Plato is informing to us who Atlantis overcomes his origins to a native human population, indigenous, endemic, which he had his origin in he himself ground of Atlantis, that did not come or descended from any part, and proofs scientists demonstrate that in Iberia - does a million years almost - an also native species arose from hominid, indigenous, endemic, that is to say, that did not come from any place, because although it is created could come from Africa, the true fact is that it is a unique species, that has not been found - to date - in any other place of the world. This species has been baptized like “Preceding Homo”, that is, the predecessor of the modern human species; and finally, we have seen like also in Iberia, the oldest civilizations had a native, indigenous, endemic language, that did not come from any place of the world.
Plato says to us that the Atlanteans had their own grammar or writing, and logically its own language. As before he said that they were original of a species human native, indigenous, or endemic, then it is logical to suppose that its language also was native, indigenous, or endemic, that is to say, been born in he himself ground, and not derived from no other nation or linguistic family.
Conclusion: all the descriptions of Plato aim at Iberia, at least like one part or very important extension of old the Atlantis Nêsos, and the character native, native, or endemic of the Atlanteans, is also confirmed by proofs scientists found in Iberia.
It does not exist in any other place of the planet, another Nêsos (island/peninsula) that there is been next to Pillars of Hercules, a region of Gadeira, and an Atlantic sea, and who in addition has had a species human native, indigenous, or endemic, that is to say, that has not come from another place, and that also has had a language native, indigenous, or endemic, that is to say, a language that has arisen in same Nêsos, that is, that has not derived from other languages.
Only Iberia Nêsos reunites all these requirements, that in addition are obligatory, because it is what in the Plato's Timaeus and Critias is written.
Kind Regards,
Georgeos Díaz-Montexano
Scientific Atlantology International Society (SAIS)
I hope that it is interesting.
Greetings, Robert B
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