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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Pope 2008 visit to NY free

Pope Benedict XVI
Pope coming to New York in 2008 AP - 1 hour, 32 minutes ago
AP News NEW YORK - Admission to the pope's Mass next year at Yankees Stadium won't come at major league prices: Tickets are free.

The Archdiocese of New York says it plans to distribute the tickets through its parishes, though it has yet to decide when to begin handing them out.
Diocesan spokesman Joseph Zwilling says tickets will also be available to worshippers coming from elsewhere.
The Vatican announced Monday that Pope Benedict XVI would travel to the United States for the first time as pontiff next year to meet with President Bush, address the United Nations and visit ground zero and Yankee Stadium.

Wilkommen to New York, Pope Benedict!
The German-born pontiff will make his first trip to the Big Apple this April as the leader of the Roman Catholic church, Archbishop Pietro Sambi told the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops today.
The Pope will celebrate Mass at Yankee Stadium and will mark the first time a pontiff has visited Ground Zero.
Pope Benedict will make that pilgrimage to show "solidarity with those who have died, with their families and with all those who wish an end of violence and in the search of peace," said Sambi, the Vatican's ambassador to the U.S.
The visit will take place on the third anniversary of Benedict's election to succeed Pope John Paul, who died in April 2005.
The first leg of the papal visit to the U.S. will be Washington, where Pope Benedict's agenda includes an official White House reception on April 16.
He will celebrate Mass at the new National Stadium in Washington on April 17 and hold meetings with Catholic priests, university presidents, diocesan educators, and youth organizers.
"The pope will not travel much, but he will address himself to the people of the United States and the whole Catholic Church," Sambi said.
After that, the Pope will fly to New York where he is scheduled to address the United Nations on April 18 and celebrate Mass the next day for thousands of worshippers at Yankee Stadium.
Monday, November 12th 2007, 12:58 PM

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