cc` !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> My Dragon's Lair Sharing is the reason for my being...: I am using the local University computers.

My Dragon's Lair Sharing is the reason for my being...

Altered and added new content 10-4-07 Important 5-4-07 No longer Child safe because of the links inside sites included here. Adult Humor is posted here. Template errors still. E shows wrong, and Netscape shows mostly correct. Activly learning HTML to correct and improve. Be it fun or serious I hope you enjoy and take away with you what I find to share. LI

Monday, June 19, 2006

I am using the local University computers.

Added 7/10: Of course I would have to find this after I join. Still $27 is a good deal. But if you like to save money here is news for you! Now 6 months at $19.99!

More to come but I have been away because I am offline at home and there is a 3 minute warning up! here at the local college, whose computers I am using. So I will be back soon...Me
Added 6/21 despite the ads for them having $24.99 a month for DSL I found different to be the case. Because I don't want to pay BellSouth $60 for only a line, insurance, and DSL to have

I thought it would be good to listen to my friends who recommend for 100% Broadband! And I like their site. In order for it not to cost $60 for just the Broadband, you have to take their basic cable which should bring it to about $45. It is about 15 stations form MIA.

Well if anything like last year I loose my form something hitting it (my neighbor's roof) I'll have an option for some thing to watch, if they are up. With Wilma they were down for over a week, and offered no breaks financially for no service. Direct TV suspended our accounts and gave us credit from the time Wilma hit. As we couldn't call right away. No phone service.

What we did was had a black and white TV hooked up to a small generator for 3 weeks until Direct TV brought people from out of state in to help them. I could have gone up on the roof and redirected my own satellite. No way! I am not even getting up on my flat roof! As there are angled tiles on the eves. I am no super woman!

To get Vonage I had to release the home phone number and not have it connected to DSL service. Thus the reason I have no connection at home. I canceled a great deal with Comcast because I thought when I was told I would get a new roof to my patio upstairs, there would be no access for them to install it. Thinking that would involve ladders and men working on the structural part of it. So I lost my deal for $75 dollars back, and $19.99 a month for 6 months, and a free modem. Oh if you need to change the date, they cancel your deal. And the current offer is $14.99 for 3 months.

After waiting 13 years for the many leaks (waterfalls) I have damaging my property under the roof, I was shocked to see the new roof was a paper lining with tar sealing it. It has been tarred before and I am looking to see what the next rain will do because I also mentioned the sliding glass door had a problem. As it had holes in the casement. And that it had been tarred before. So the holes were tarred. Interesting! So what did I wait for 13 years for, or cancel my Comcast for? Oh I am not closing in my patio while there is water going where it doesn't belong, then it would be my problem to fix. I bought the house knowing there was damage, but that it was the condo association's responsibility to fix it. Well that is not the case. I think they want you to give up and live with the mold, mildew and damage to ones property.

Well I told Vonage that I would gladly pay their $27 even without Comcast being installed yet. Then I found out you can suspend the account and still be their customer. I said hurry and change the number over to them as I don't want to pay the $!15 for just the DSL! Not being able to hear the house phone, and they erase my messages within 5 days. So it angers my friends and family, though I tell them the computer is the best way to keep in touch with me! Oh well. We'll see!

Oh and my neighbor and friend has Comcast and showed me how FAST it is! Downloading takes no time at all! And recently a man trying to sell dial up, tried to make me out to be STUPID saying that the best thing going was Dial up! Don't be thinking because I am a woman and not aware of what makes a computer work, I certainly spend enough time to know that from experience, Dial up takes forever, DSL feels like dial up and I am so looking forward to Broadband! I ran away from that man! Said he was wasting his time! :-) He was talking to a computerholic. Who was told by a carrier that I was online in one month for 7,400 hours. They doubled my rate and I got rid of them! What part of unlimited internet access means except you? I am a chronic insomniac. Well I was before the last scare of my near death experience. Now I have no trouble sleeping. It is all I want to do. Forcing myself to get off the pillow seems to be the routine now. Well that is all for now. Rich want to go home.

Added 6/28. I have never let a company say not to contact the company to keep a phone number before so the LOA (letter of authorization to change companies) didn't work out the first 2 times. Well Vonage only gives two free and then charges $10 for a third to be sent. So hopefully this one will work. I was at a family restaurant and found a dear caregiver from my medical clinic who had left. And we had run into eachother in a store during Wilma. And what a small world to find her again. Well her boss said how Vonage was giving away stock at $17 and now it is worth about $10. I have not looked it up to see. Since I am not into the stock market at all. I only knew it did hit the stock market last year. And that they have been in business for about 6 if I recall? So I guess I am going to see how things go. I'll be happy for the time they are around, and there was a news report on other companies who offer the same services and even some were less but I went with what I knew. And I had been told about them more than a year ago. Anything to keep from paying for what I don't use! The house phone! And we think I will actually begin to use it since it will be linked online. hummm... We'll see. So please ask all the questions before you commit to procedures.

Make sure your DSL is not connected to the house phone number that you want to transfer to them. That should prevent the problems of the first company not wanting to relinquish the number.
So be prepared for this to take time. It takes 20 days for the LOA to be effective. And you have to keep paying everyone until that happens. Your new cable/DSL carrier, and Vonage, and the original Phone Company. All because I like my phone number I have had for 15 years! And not wanting to have any one "steal" it from me! If you don't make sure of this being done, the temporary number Vonage assigns you becomes your permanent number.

And don't let it be taken for granted that because you tell some one that you will let go of DSL service by the 15th that Vonage doesn't cancel your LOA and give you the new number as permanent on the 13th! So it is adding up. There was no free month and so far I have paid for two month with no service. I am waiting for the next shoe to drop and see if it adds to cost more unexpected fees to get what I want. (what I think I want.)

And the current offer at Comcast is $19.99 for three months. I think I'll wait till my 20 days passes to save a month of another bill for no service? Since I am doing fine using the College computers...

Added 7/10 I called AOL for their advertised Broadband for $24.95. And although it is not available in my area, Comcast offer of $19.99 for 6 months is! And then a good price after that with no contract! So also more savings! So hopefully I will soon be back online at home! By calling AOL, you can get connected to almost every service out there. I saw a commercial for Verison and they are saying we'll watch TV on our phones. Of course they are not available in my area!


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