cc` !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> My Dragon's Lair Sharing is the reason for my being...: This is the explanation for Britney's behavior.

My Dragon's Lair Sharing is the reason for my being...

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

This is the explanation for Britney's behavior.

This is for my friends who follows the Hollywood stars. Have you thought of this reason?
That her sign is what is leading her to do what she has been doing. Do you agree that it has to do with Britney's behavior? Let's see what happens in two months if she enters rehab?
Someone else says it is the drugs that have her acting this way. That is a cop out that she is not responsible for her own actions, though one might be delusional and emotionally upset when not in their right mind. I think a little therapy for dealing with the stress she is experiencing would help. Some coping skills would be helpful! As drugs are a way to hide from the real problems people are experiencing. Denial that they are not really enjoying their life. Escaping reality and causing more of a problem than they began with! So says LI. I found a site with videos showing her behavior but it linked to porn, so of course it is not what I will add. Someone out there is taking video of her, a friend and posted it on the www. That is a betrayal of their friendship. And she was joking that he would do that. Did she give him the idea or is that their intention? But it is obvious that she is not straight. Sad. This is such a waste of a talented life. This is only going to go one way or another. See and remember so many lives lost while in desperation and despondant. Drugs Kill. Mixed with Alcohol it is a deadly combination. Suicide intentional or not happens a lot. My opinion.

Britney Spears Freaks out

Since filing for divorce from Kevin Federline on November 8, Britney Spears has exhibited some bizarre behavior, but perhaps the most outlandish was last Friday when she shaved her own head completely bald. Witnesses at the hair salon said she kept saying she was sick of people touching her and was at times crying incoherently. She then went to get some tattoos.

Britney Spears' chart (December 2, 1981; 1:30 am; McComb, MS) was hit hard last week by Mercury, which turned retrograde while squaring her Sagittarius Sun. Mercury in Pisces is known for some flaky thinking patterns, which can become exaggerated when Mercury heads backwards. Britney's Sun is found in the third house of mental attitude, which also holds an eccentric Mercury-Uranus conjunction.

With beneficial, expansive Jupiter currently transiting through Sagittarius, one might expect that Britney should be reaping all kinds of good fortune. However, too much freedom allows her most anti-social behavior free expression. Britney's divorce papers were filed as transiting Uranus was exactly squaring her Sun, unleashing her most radical, shocking impulses - long repressed by her Venus in restrictive Capricorn and its square to responsible Saturn.

All the expectations, the "should"s, "got-to"s, and "have-to"s represented by Saturn kept Britney inside a well-orchestrated model of perfection, which began with her days at the Mickey Mouse Club. Above all else, Sagittarians yearn for freedom - even if it means disappointing the millions of fans. While many would say she's breaking down, another perspective is that she's breaking out, escaping. However, over the next two months, Saturn will octile her Ascendant, and we can expect that she will enter rehab for an extended stay.

* The progressed horoscope is based on the esoteric formula that one day after birth is symbolically equivalent to one year after birth. In making forecasts, many professional astrologers use transits and secondary progressions in tandem. For more information, visit

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