Sen. Joe Biden's latest pititon for Iraq course.
I have shared J.Biden before as I admire him. He is an advocate for America first. This is the latest I recieved Mon, 3/12From: "Joe Biden"
Subject: Ending the War
We have now learned that the President is planning to send at least 4,000 more troops to Iraq on top of the 21,500 troops he announced in January - and this surge may be closer to 30,000 than 20,000 when this is all done. The so-called surge is starting to look like an escalation. We must oppose this plan. But this is only a first step -- we need a radical change in course in Iraq. If the President won't act, Congress will. Over the past three weeks, working with my friend Senator Carl Levin, the chairman of the Armed Services Committee, I wrote a law to fundamentally revise U.S. policy in Iraq.
Visit and read our bill.
I am very pleased that Democrats are uniting behind the goals Senator Levin and I proposed. The binding bill we wrote, and that our Majority Leader, Senator Harry Reid, will put before the Senate, requires that the President:
Transition our forces now to a new, more limited mission of training Iraqis and denying terrorists a safe haven in Iraq;
Begin the phased redeployment of our forces from Iraq within four months;
Complete the withdrawal of our combat forces by March, 2008, except for a limited number necessary to carry out the limited mission. Just as important, as we transition the mission and draw down our forces, our bill requires the President to pursue a comprehensive political, diplomatic and economic strategy in Iraq to secure a political settlement. That's exactly what the Biden-Gelb plan offers.
In short, what I'm proposing is a plan to end the war in Iraq without leaving a mess behind. What the President proposes is no end in sight.
Do we have the votes right now to pass this bill and get moving on my plan? I don't know. But I do know where America's interests lie. And I know where the American people stand. Sooner or later, Congress will catch up with them. I'm asking you today to bring your voice to this fight as well.
We've set up a website, so you can tell Congress, and the Bush/Cheney team running this war, that you support the binding Resolution that Senators Reid, Levin and I have proposed to change our policy in Iraq and finally begin ending this war without leaving chaos behind. to sign our petition.
I will keep pushing, every day, to change America's course in Iraq. I hope you will join me. Thank you, (his sig)
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Go to his main page and find the links for what you want to find as Blogger will not let me drop the links in here. Disappointing that you have to find it on your own. As these were seen as illegal by Blogger.
Scientists Muzzled On Global Warming March 9th, 2007
Don't discuss polar bears, U.S. tells scientists
Fish and Wildlife Service warns staff going to meetings abroad
Reuters: WASHINGTON - Polar bears, sea ice and global warming aretaboo subjects, at least in public, for some U.S. scientists attending meetings abroad, environmental groups and a top federal wildlife official said on Thursday.
Read more of this MSNBC news article:
(There is one responce that says Cell phones are going to beimportant and how to get the most from this media.)
Cell phones will play a crucial role in communications and fundraising leading up to the 2008 election.
Small cell phone dial pads can frustrate user's attempts to inputnumbers and letters to access the site. Therefore, withoutcompromising the "brand", shorter is better, and limiting the number of inputs to the fewest key strokes possible is critical. ... (edited) ...
This challenge can be overcome by incorporating short, custom, numeric domains (numbers that represent words and names) to accessmobile web sites. spells "Biden" on millions of cell phones. (hey it works! is what came up)
Biden Amendment Would Re-Route Hazardous Chemical Shipments 3/9th
Excerpts from WMDT-TV Ch. 47: Delaware Senator Joe Biden has introduced an amendment that would reroute hazardous chemical shipments away from large population centers.
Biden says 90-ton rail tankers are carrying chemicals past some of the nation's biggest cities. According to security experts, toxic chemicals present a mass casualty terrorist threat rivaled only by nuclear devices, certain acts of bio-terrorism and the collapse of large occupied buildings.
"Right now we have 90-ton rail tankers carrying toxic chemicals right past some of our nation's largest cities. We are vulnerable, we know it and we know how to fix it," said Sen. Biden.Sen. Biden, a daily rail commuter from Delaware, has long been anactive advocate for improving rail security and rerouting hazmatshipments.
(I could not find this link: WMDT Ch. 47 news story)
Paid for by Biden for President, Inc. Contributions to Biden for President are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.
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