cc` !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> My Dragon's Lair Sharing is the reason for my being...: Articles from aPath & Pagan Wisdom

My Dragon's Lair Sharing is the reason for my being...

Altered and added new content 10-4-07 Important 5-4-07 No longer Child safe because of the links inside sites included here. Adult Humor is posted here. Template errors still. E shows wrong, and Netscape shows mostly correct. Activly learning HTML to correct and improve. Be it fun or serious I hope you enjoy and take away with you what I find to share. LI

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Articles from aPath & Pagan Wisdom

I have mentioned finding this site a few years ago. I found him on WitchVox. His article which, in my words, follows why we study all religious and spiritual paths. And accept God is for all. We come from God therefore none of us are seperate from eachother or God, our Creator. (For those of you who are picky, God/dess). Home For more articles and features, check out my new site: Pagan Wisdom
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Welcome to Pagan Wisdom
PAGAN: n. One who is not a Christian, Muslim, or Jew. Generally, a follower of a polytheistic or nature-based religion.
WISDOM: n. The ability to apply knowledge and experience in a situation to achieve the best possible result.

This site is devoted to the exploration of concepts related to paganism, wicca, new age and old age religions, spirituality and life in general. This site is designed to provide the teachers and students of the community with FREE original and useful resources that they can use in their own classes and personal work.

Find his articles. I liked his Ritual Creation Worksheet (Downloads available) PDF

Crafting Effective Ritual - Many people learn to perform rituals in a variety of ways. Usually this involves discussing the structure and the mechanics of the ritual, who does what, where and when, and leaves off the most important part: HOW. ... Here are some of the factors that can transform good ritual into great ritual.

Remember, when you are performing a ritual, you are performing a Service. It may be a service to Spirit. It may be to those present. It may be to yourself. Most likely, it is all of them at the same time. Perform your Service well. -Brian Gallagher

Some definitions of the differences between White, Grey and Black Magic. Though magic itself is neutral, how it is used determines its "color". This section provides guidelines as to the color of magic you or others may be using and how to identify it based on simple criteria.

Muses by LI: In a time of transition as loved ones are going on to their next adventures it is interesting to find his article below. I am not perfect and am not from a culture that does not "grieve" the loss of loved ones in this life, though I do see it as totally natural and the way things are to be. This too shall pass be it positive or negative, as it takes both to exist. We do not have one without the other.
A friend helped me to understand that the suffering of a Beloved was perhaps part of what was necessary for them so they would not suffer in their next life. She was not being released by my (human) companion easily and was holding on till the one that bound them here let go so that their suffering comes to an end.
Asking to be released as it is their life's journey to finish not ours to hold them to us.
Actually is it possible to communicate with them on the other side, if you believe and listen.
Accept their fate and release them to what is next for them.
We come into this world knowing that we will die, if we do nothing else. We will live, die, and live again.
I had teased my Mother that I knew only that I would feed the worms when she asked about my Eternal Soul. As that was all I had known at that time. After that I have a friend who (has been to the other side and returned) says it is all good. Be it here or there, do not grieve.
Last year when I experienced for myself that there is no fear or pain in leaving our material Universe. I do know I prayed not to come back as Terri S. did. I accepted whatever was next for me to experience in my own adventures, I was saying goodbye to my companion of many years, while the doctors were trying to get Oxygen to my lungs. My two favorite young familiars came into sight and gave me a message which brought me back.
As I have returned and live again here to once again choose to leave at another time, I know it is more than only that. We are not put back here as a punishment. My reasons were to protect those that would not have done well with my leaving at that time. As I am still needed as their Protector, Guardian, and Mother.
If I believe that my loved ones on the other side can communicate with me now, as they reach past the divide, I should too be able to one day contact with loved ones that need to be comforted or guided (nudged).
That little voice is sometimes all we get that when we do what it says we feel better. The feeling that we are not alone. The dream you have with the answer to a question we are looking to solve. Or sometimes the actual two way conversation which is awsome to experience.
Today I found his writings on these subjects he has put together.

A course of the A Framework for Inner Peace. Almost everyone would like answers to some of the really tough questions life makes us ask.
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Why do people die when they are still needed?
Why is there suffering in the world?
Closing thoughts - I wrote this with a few goals:
To provide a framework to help illustrate that life's difficulties can be viewed in a positive light To explain how we could have consciously chosen the life we live, and why we may have chosen it To tie a number of different popular concepts together and show how they are inter-related and can support each other
To help people coping with a difficult time in their lives to see how there can be a higher purpose to what they are going through and to help them continue to keep pushing on through their challenges. If you do the hard work and learn the tough lessons you benefit from it.

Hopefully I have achieved at least some of these goals. If you have any questions about anything here, please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to try to explain my thoughts a little more clearly.
- Brian Gallagher (I think he has done well in this writing.) Down-loadable PDF available.

Doing Nothing [In Chinese it is Tao. Doing nothing is actually doing something. Sometimes I do not respond and that is an action (answer) in it's self]

Stuff from PaganWisdom. com: Books & Journals A collection of custom-made books, journals, Book of Shadows, Grimoires and Ritual Journals to help you create, design and remember your magical experiences in life.
Fun On CafePress: Majick in the 21st Century: Modern Witch Broom Plate (for your four wheels).
If you'd like us to make a custom design for you, contact us at custom@paganwisdom. com and we'll be happy to design anything you like.
You can join to recieve his new articles as they are added.
If you'd like a view into what goes on behind the articles posted here, you may view my personal journal (blog).
Eating Your Gods - Chocolate Dieties - You just can't make this stuff up!
All our novelty chocolates are hand-dipped by family chocolatiers in New York's Hudson Valley and are great for Christmas, Birthdays, Easter, Valentine's Day (see our Chocolate Heart), Mother's Day, Father's Day, Buddhist Holidays, Hindu Holidays, Goddess Calendar Days or any Special Occasion. Each is beautifully gift wrapped with a Tidings Midori ribbon carrying a special message.

Copyright (C) 2004 Brian Gallagher - - Free Duplication Permitted When This Notice Is Present ( If you distribute or publish this stuff anywhere, please let me know. It keeps me motivated. Thank You! )
Copyright © 2005 Pagan Wisdom. You are free to give away and share this and use it in your own classes. - Non-profit duplication and distribution is permitted only when this entire notice is present in the duplicated work.

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