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My Dragon's Lair Sharing is the reason for my being...

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Monday, May 29, 2006

Mr Rogers Message is always timely. Healthy programming for our children.

Mr. Rogers Addresses the Senate (1969) In 1969, Fred Rogers appeared before congress to oppose Richard Nixon's budget cutbacks for Public Broadcasting, and melted the cold heart of a Senator.
6 min 50 sec 155,242 views May 22 at 12:35 PM

My comment: I enjoyed him so much. With his imaginative world he created that we believed in. He took us into his neighborhood and taught us how it worked and the diverse people who did different things for their jobs and pleasures in life. While you could count on certain things were the same there was always new and different things going to happen. And we memorized his songs. Not these stupid things that run around without vocabulary making rediculous gestures and noises. How are they supposed to teach our children?
I was amazed to see his tender show with children who talked about their cancer. To later find that Mr. Rogers died of cancer is wonderful to see that he was so gentle and loving with these children.
And it seems to be like other people who do the same, like the Duke, John Wayne who portrayed an old man dying of cancer. And he also was diagnosed with his own cancer.

Some comments added about this film on ifilm.
Mr. Rogers died in 2003 at the age of 74 of stomach cancer. "Mr Roger's Neighborhood" aired on PBS from 1967-2001, the longest running program on PBS. He remained as genuine as the Mr. Rogers character.
I grew up loving this program. It was so simple and genuinely honest. I loved the music. Mr. Rogers actually went to college to study music composition, so his love of music is evident in the programming. Jazz composer and musician, Joe Negri, played the handyman on the program.
I got goosebumps too. I have such pleasant memories of the program. May 24, 2006 5:53 AM Re: I Forgot just how GREAT he was!!
I watched his biography, can't get through it without crying! I admire him so much! I was lucky enough to get an original manuscript, or transscript, (or whatever it is called) of his final show....autographed by Mr. Rogers and Mr. McFeeley. Mr. M. was at a hospital charity auction in my area and someone bought it for me.
Mr Rogers was always good hearted and just plain wonderful!

[ back to top ] added 6/12 as my side navagation does not work as it should, on the side.


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