cc` !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> My Dragon's Lair Sharing is the reason for my being...: April 2007

My Dragon's Lair Sharing is the reason for my being...

Altered and added new content 10-4-07 Important 5-4-07 No longer Child safe because of the links inside sites included here. Adult Humor is posted here. Template errors still. E shows wrong, and Netscape shows mostly correct. Activly learning HTML to correct and improve. Be it fun or serious I hope you enjoy and take away with you what I find to share. LI

Monday, April 30, 2007

Who is on kdmradio?

Who is on kdmradio? We are forgetting Truth as our writen words are changed. The history of Freemasons. God was not mentioned or intended to be in our Politics. LI

I was happy to find this. Looking for a meet when you are out of FL?
The UU of Ft. Lauderdale in the Mia Meetup From there I found other things, of course. At Silver Holly Wed. we were reminded to come early not to miss Bill. And I found his connection which has his schedule.
Link: Paranormal Awareness Radio Show
He invites people to be his guest. Among subjects are Ghosts, UFO's, Seance phenomena, The art of Reiki,Haunted Florida, Spiritual Medium, Electronic Voice Phenomena, Magic and Mystical... Radio Station K'DM at KD RADIO When show is ON AIR click KDMradio banner to listen stream!! Toll Free for Listeners: 1-866-463-4536 Email Bill your questions for Bill or Guest and get your answers LIVE!!

Show No. 20 - April 27 Topics: Ghosts. Guests: Betty Davis, Director and Founder of Big Bend Ghost Trackers. Betty Davis' Bio Paranormal Group's Website: Big Bend Ghost Trackers. On Going Events: Historic Monticello Ghost Tours Betty Davis Founder of BBGT invites you to join her and the Tampa Ghost Watchers at the Haunted Biltmore Hotel in Largo, Florida

Show No. 21 - May 4 Topics: The end of the world - (Is it coming?).
Guests: Angelic Ross, Professional Psychic Medium. Angelic Ross's Bio Currently she is working on a book that will be on the shelves by christmas of 2007. It is called "The Misunderstood Guest...the truth about ghosts and spirits". The book was created from the many questions that has come across her desk over the years, compiled to bring you the answers that everyone seeks.
In it she relates her experiences, shares personal stories and answers the many questions her clients and fans have asked. Such as "what is the difference between ghosts and spirits?.. Why are children so psychic and drawn to spirits? and the most interesting of questions "What is it like for a ghost?"
Websites: I am haunted 404 - File Not Found:public/notfound
Fleetings houls Blog talk Radio Host Website/Blog Listen to Angelic, Psychic Medium, as we talk about everything from Angels and Ghosts, to Spirits and UFOs. Fleeting Souls on MySpace There are 5 shows available to listen to. It seems she has fun with on her show. One guy gave up "the bar" in order to persue ghost hunting. 4/25.

WE HAVE TWO IMPORTANT FIGURES ON OUR SECOND FRIDAY THE 13TH! Topics: EVPs, from the Masters. Guests: Tom and Lisa Butler, Directors of American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena (AA-EVP). Authors of There is No Death And There Are No Dead. Publisher, AA-EVP Publishing. Our Guests, Tom and Lisa Butler AA-EVP Lisa Butler is a Psychologist and Tom is an Electronics Engineer. Together, they have been Directors of the American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena (AA-EVP) since 2000.
Tom & Lisa on Paranormal Awareness Radio Show The Butlers have recently published the book, There is No Death and There are No Dead (ISBN: 0-9727493-0-6). This book includes the history of EVP and ITC, examples with personal stories, information on the latest research from experimenters around the globe, experimental techniques and theories explaining these phenomena.

*!* Don't miss! Mark your calendar! *!*
Show No. 39 - September 7 Topics: Spiritual magick.
Guests: Rev. Sandra Cheryl Richardson, internationally known spiritual consultant, paranormal investigator, metaphysical teacher, and author of Magicka Formularia: A Study in Formulary Magick.
Sandra Richardson's Bio Website: Sandra's page on Moonpath

Show No. 43 - October 5 Topics: The art of witchcraft.
Guests: Rev. Jessica Rivera, an ordained interfaith minister, Doctor of Metaphysics and Divinity, Wiccan Elder High Priestess, Universal Usui Reiki Master, Avesa level I Quantum healer, metaphysical teacher, Faery Seer apprentice, Egyptian Healing Rods practitioner, Certified Paranormal Investigator, lecturer and activist living in Miami, FL, USA.
Jessica Rivera's Bio Website: Bandora's Lair

Archive: Show No. 16 - (Saturday) March 31 Topics: Magick Potpourri.
Paranormal Awareness Society, Corp. and its members.
Guests: Rev. Jessica Rivera, an ordained interfaith minister, Doctor of Metaphysics and Divinity, Wiccan Elder High Priestess, Universal
Usui Reiki Master, Avesa level I Quantum healer, metaphysical teacher, Faery Seer apprentice, Egyptian Healing Rods practitioner, Certified Paranormal Investigator, lecturer and activist living in Miami, FL, USA. Go to listen to the archive.
Listen to her show from March 31st Press Play *** IMPORTANT NOTICE: *** [Remember this show was violated by virus'. Luckily they had a backup computer.] This show was done through an emergency backup system, hence the intermittent noise throughout the show. Thanks to the previous night's hacking, KDMradio was still working with their files, but not wanting to disappoint all the Paranormal Awareness Radio Show listeners they set up a special Saturday night for the show.

*Show No. 38 - August 31 Topics: The hidden history of the
Freemasonry. The AntiChrist.* Guests: Robert Walker O'Neal, B.G.S., M.S., PhD. Publisher, The Minority Report Magazine -- available FREE through the website. This is Dr. O'Neal's third visit to our show! Robert O'Neal's Bio Website: One Al Clan Robert Walker O'Neal, PhD, publishes the e-zine "The Minority Report Magazine" and has traveled to every site reported within his website. He is a Knight of St. Andrew, a Master Mason, a 32nd Degree Mason,...He currently is a member of one of the nation's oldest Masonic lodges...
Dr. O'Neal does not promote anything other than his educational messages as found on his website. All public speeches, volunteer services and consultant work are performed without charge for private and public agencies and charitable organizations.

About Masons: I am sure that the title is decieving or I will be disappointed. When history changed the mention of Lucifer was a body of stars coming up was in astrology.
[See next entry. About Freemasonry.]

For those who don't know about Meetup.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Last Emei Qigong Seminars in the USA

Emei Qigong Level One Seminars at FIU in Miami on May 26 - 29, 2007

If people want to know more about Emei Qigong they can go to our website Emei Qigong. To learn more about Grandmaster Fu, Healing, Training. Emei Qigong is offering and for classes we have this year, please check Seminars. Click on the date or city they are interested they can get the detailed information. See what is taught in Level One. Open this for all the information needed for the FIU, Miami FL seminar, including register for attending.

For those who are interested, this year may be the last year for them to see Grandmaster Fu in person in South Florida. We are in the process of changing the future direction and he will sell his house so I do not really know if there will be a chance for him to come back to South Florida.
Grandmaster Fu is the only true lineage holder left among the three most orthodox qigong schools in China. The other two even though they are very famous on gongfu movies but they do not have lineage holder anymore. People may hear so many lineage holders but they are not real. Right now there are so many self-named lineage holders from those two schools but knowledge wise they do not have what lineage holder suppose to have. It is our tradition one generation can only have one person knows everything that is the lineage holder.
Grandmaster Fu is the lineage holder of Emei Qigong. Emei Qigong is more focus on healing and the other two focus on martial arts.
If people want to call me to ask questions, they can call Maria at 954-472-7807.

Friday, April 27, 2007

My Friday muses on life

tn_FridayisCasualSexDay.jpg Everyone needs a good secretary.

tn_myspace-graphics-posters-14.jpg Life is just not the same without it!

tn_suicidehelp4rx.jpg Things to remember not to say...tn_cartoon-nuttinbitch.jpg
tn_bushcoke.jpg Poster Boy. His secret life as a tester. If you confronted him about it, he would repeat his Governorship days. 2.gif Nice (not).

20-03-01[1].jpg See the hairline? Guess who.

tn_howwasurweekend2.jpg Need words for how this feels?

tn_8_187.jpg How much money wasted for the obvious?
16-10-01[1].jpg And all I was going to bring was my Ipod...
17-10-01[1].jpg Perceptions of what is seen.
This said "marriage" but I say you've been bad now make it up to me! Give me what I want! Let's see... I've been waiting for this... opportunity... humm...
tn_menhaha.jpg My friends were just talking about the conversations of that are conducted never above the neck. Do people see a set of "eyes" there? I never had that happen as I was a AAA. So maybe I knew they found my eyes cause they weren't confused, distracted... whatever...
12.jpgTold you I could fly!
16-05-01[1].jpg The case of the unsuspecting land mammals. Look behind you!
tn_18_11.jpg Look Ma what I can do! Now how do I put it back?
tn_26_1danger-ThatsComedy_com.jpg Great piece of work! How long did that take to do! Off to work I go! Have to go find more stuff to amuse ___ with. Hey who's that slacker! There is always one. Betcha he/she gets all the credit!

Truth About Deception

Who We are An Honest Look at Deception, Love and Romance
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.--Oscar Wilde

infidelity and cheating
  • why do people cheat
  • tips for catching a cheating spouse
  • what the are the warning signs of cheating
  • what counts as cheating....
lying and deception

  • why do lovers lie
  • what is the best way to tell if someone is lying
  • how to confront a partner who lies
  • how to deal with compulsive lying....
relationship issues

  • how do people fall in love
  • why do people form attachments
  • advice for creating a healthy relationship
  • how to cope with jealousy....
recovery and repair

  • how to rebuild trust
  • how to talk about problems
  • advice for saving a relationship after infidelity
  • counseling resources.... Read more Take the Infidelity Quiz

Monday, April 23, 2007

Still time to join Glastonbury's Goddess Conference

Crone - by Foosiya MillerConference dates
Goddess Conference 2007
Celebrating the Crone Goddess at Lammas
Crone - by Foosiya Mille
Spiral dance
Banners flying

Glastonbury Goddess Conference With Ceremonies, Adorations and Praise Songs to the Crone for Her love, wisdom and transforming power. We shall honour the Crone in the landscape of Avalon, as Crone Nolava, as Keridwen, Keeper of the Cauldron of Death and Rebirth, as Queen of the Underworld, as the Dark Goddess who reveals what is hidden, and as Nine Clan Grandmothers. This Crone Conference is open to women and men of all ages who want to experience the Crone’s loving energy. With illustrated talks, presentations, workshops, beautiful artwork & stalls, performances, music, song, poetry, dance. Take part in inspiring workshops, join one of Nine Clans for support and to participate fully in the Opening Ceremony and others throughout the Conference. Celebrate the Queens and Crones in our Goddess community. Make Lammas Bread Crones. Participate in a Healing Ceremony on Chalice Hill and at the Sacred Lammas Bonfire. Take an inner journey to deeply heal childhood and past-life wounds to your Feminine Self and listen to the wisdom of the Nine Grandmothers. Dance the night away at the Goddess Gala Buffet and Masque and join our Pilgrimage through the Landscape to Chalice Well and Glastonbury Tor wit

Bookings and Fees - please read carefully

Full Conference tickets include entrance to all ceremonies, talks, workshops, pilgrimages, events, etc, held during the Goddess Conference from Wednesday 1st to Sunday 5th August 2007, excluding Saturday evening’s Goddess Masque and Buffet which is paid for separately.

Included is free entrance to Chalice Well Gardens during normal opening hours from Sunday 29th July - Sunday 5th August with early morning private entrance from 8.00am Monday-Friday.

Accommodation and food are not included in your conference fee. Full fees help pay for Rhiannon bursary ticket holders. US$ and Euro fees include bank exchange costs.

A 50% deposit secures your place at all events.

Unfortunately we're only able to accept full payment when online payment is made - you may still choose the offline method if you wish to pay a deposit.

Credit card bookings can be made online.

Full five day Conference booking fees are as follows:

Bridie - EarlyBird Goddess booking paid before or on March 21st 2007 - £190/$399/€304

Morgen - Booking paid after March 21st 2007 and before or on June 30th 2007 - £210/$440/€336

Keridwen - Bookings after June 30th 2006 - £235/$494/€376

Rhiannon - Bursaries available for single, unwaged parents, unemployed, disabled & students - £100/$210/€160 We want everyone who wants to come to the Conference to be able to. Please apply in writing with evidence.

Melissa - Work in exchange for your ticket. Energy, reliability, enthusiasm and commitment sought. Apply early in writing or by email to Koko Newport.

Kernel - Young people 8-18 years - £90/$189/€144. More than one child, apply for discount. 7 years and under come free.

Inclusive Madron tickets cover the full Morgen Conference fee, Buffet and Fringe events from Sunday 29th July to Monday 6th August inclusive. Please note that Madron tickets cannot now be booked to include Carolyn Hillyer's workshop as this is full.
Inclusive Madron ticket including Jane Meredith or Sally Pullinger Monday workshop £320/$672/€512

Conference Day tickets - Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday £48/$100/€76/day; Thursday, Friday £55/$115/€88/day

Single talks - £10 each Morning, afternoon or evening sessions on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, Saturday (not evening) - £25/$52/€40

Saturday evening - Gorgeous Goddess Masque and Vegetarian Finger Buffet, with wine and soft drinks and great music from Julie Felix and Daughters of Gaia - £20/$42/32

Goddess Abundance Fayre Stall - £20/$42/€32. Apply with details of what you wish to sell.

On the Fringe events payable in advance:

Sunday 29th July/Monday 6th August: Brian Charles: Tor Labrynth Walk In and Out £35/$73/€56

Monday 30th July Carolyn Hillyer: The Unseen Moon and the Darkest Drum FULL

Monday 30th July Day Workshops with Jane Meredith or Sally Pullinger £35/$73/56

Monday 30th July Danu Fox: Singing the Bones Concert £10/$21/€16

Tuesday 31st July Day Workshops with Alessandra Belloni, Annie Spencer, Donna Henes, Max Dashu or Natasha Wardle £35/$73/€56

Monday 6th August Alessandra Belloni: Voyage of the Black Madonna Evening Concert £10/$21/€16

Registration Procedure

Online Procedure:
Please fill out the online registration form and submit - you will then be taken to the payment page (where full instructions are available).

Offline Procedure:
Please fill out the offline registration form
ticking off all Conference and Fringe events you wish to participate in. You should print it out before completing - it has been tested to print in A4 and US letter sizes. The form is in Adobe Acrobat format (you can download it here if you need to). Make your cheque in £’s sterling, US dollars or Euros payable to The Goddess Conference and return with completed registration form to:

The Goddess Conference
2-4 High Street
Great Britain

Tel. 44 (0)1458 831518

We will send tickets confirming all your bookings.

Problems with the offline booking form? If for some reason you can't open Acrobat documents, try the Microsoft Word version. If this also won't work for you, please contact the webmistress, who will do what she can to help.

Accommodation: Conference fees do not include accommodation. When you make your booking we can send you an accommodation list for B&Bs and campsites in the Glastonbury area. Tick the box on the registration form. We advise you to book your accommodation early as other events are taking place in Glastonbury at the same time.

Cancellation Charges: An administration fee of £25 will be charged for conferees who cancel their bookings up to 14 days before the conference. No refunds will be given within 14 days of the start of the Conference..

Please remember to bring with you:

Offerings to decorate the Crone Goddess. Ceremonial dress in silver, purple, midnight blue and black for the Opening Ceremony and Procession. Bring drums, rattles and other instruments so you can contribute at the Lammas Bonfire and on the Procession. Also remember Goddess finery for Saturday night’s Goddess Masque. Please bring contributions of fruit for Sunday’s Fruit Feast and something lovely to Give Away to someone else. And let us know if you are a Crone or a Queen.

Mother and child
Bridie dolls
Admiring their Landscape Mandala

A conference altar
A morgen
In the temple
Wearyall Hill
Fruit feast
statue in Glastonbury Experience courtyard
Ronnie's stall
Chalice Well
Climbing the tor
At the Masque
Chalice Well
an outdoor ceremony
Outside the town hallwinged
Lammas Fire
Making Bridie crosses
Freddie & Di
Youngest maiden
The landscape mandala artists
Smiling man
Swan maiden
At the masque
Children at the conference
Beautiful in yellow
Anique and Emma

Links - friends, websites we like

Conference Contributors - Past, Present and Future

Aine Carey
Aine is a film and theater director, writer and birth consultant, not to mention being a regular member of the Conference ceremonial group.

Alessandra Belloni
Exciting tambourine virtuoso

Ani Williams
Harpist, singer, songwriter, author and sound therapist.

Anique Radiant Heart
Priestess, Singer of Sacred Songs of the Temple. Producer of the annual Invoking the Goddess Women’s Gathering at Minto near Sydney, Australia.

Annie Spencer
Respected ceremonialist & guide to worldwide earth-based spiritual traditions. Cofounder Shamanka and Hartwell Association.

Apela Colorado PhD
Oneida and Frank tribes, Elder, cultural practitioner, professor of Indigenous Mind, Founder Worldwide Indigenous Science Network.

Brian Charles
Priest/ess of Avalon teacher, counsellor, Tarot reader, guide to Glastonbury Tor labrynth and sacred landscape.

Caitlín Matthews
Caitlín and John Matthews are the authors of many books about the Arthurian, Celtic, shamanic and spiritual traditions.

Carolyn Hillyer
Internationally-known painter and musician who lives on Dartmoor, where as an artist she is continually fed and challenged by the raw beauty and power of the sacred landscape which surrounds her.

Catherine Blackledge
Dr Catherine Blackledge is the author of The Story of V: Opening Pandora’s Box, Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2003. The Story of V is about different views of the vagina - views from science and medicine, history, anthropology, art, mythology and more. Eve Ensler says of the book: ‘"The Story of V reveals the ancient and newfound powers of the vagina. It is full of mystery and secrets and truth. If we only knew what we had under our skirts! Learn the story - read this book."

Cheryl Straffon
Author of Pagan Cornwall - Land of the Goddess, in which she discovers a continuity of Goddess tradition in remote Cornwall from ancient times right up to the present day. Cheryl also edits the wonderful Goddess Alive! magazine.

Chris Leeson
Five Element Traditional Acupuncturist, Tutor at College of Traditional Acupuncture, weaves Taoist and Goddess wisdom.

Clare Campbell
Founder of Wild Woman and a sassy urban goddess artist and sparkly warm, wild and irreverent facilitator and women's activist. Lesbian artist and therapist committed to providing safe spaces to celebrate Lesbian women's spirituality.

Jane Meredith
Jane is an Australian Priestess of the Goddess who works with ritual and myth for healing, empowerment and celebration.

Jana Runnalls
Jana is a renowned singer/musician from Glastonbury, whose Goddess songs and chants are sung by many people around the world. Don't miss her fantastic new magical chanting album Sacred Home. Jana also runs regular courses and workshops in Glastonbury.

Jill Smith
Artist, writer, performer; author of The Callanish Dance.

Julie Felix
Famous Folk Singer, Activist - needs no introduction.

Kathy Jones
The Conference is by no means all that Kathy does all year- although it must sometimes feel like it! The link above points to her main website, and thence to all her activities.

Kellianna Girouard
Singer/songwriter performing Goddess inspired music, her new CD is Lady Moon.

Klara Adalena
Klara Adalena is a Priestess in the Dianic and Goddess traditions. She is founder of Wild Wise Woman, Centre for Shamanism and Goddess Spirituality. Since February 2004 she facilitates a 3- year Priestess Training Program in the Netherlands. Klara has over 10 years of experience as a facilitator and as a body oriented psychotherapist. Over this period she has been setting the tone in women’s spirituality in the Netherlands.

Koko Newport
Teacher, healer, manifestor of dreams, Melissa Queen Bee & Priestess of Avalon.

Liz Perkins
Liz Perkins, author of 'Journeys through Menopause' and 'Exploring New Paths', navigated her own menopause with energy and growing clarity, and is now helping others to do the same.

Lydia Ruyle is an artist, scholar, creatrix of Goddess Icon Banners Spirit Banners of the Divine Feminine from the many cultures of the world. Since 1995, the banners fly around the globe in over 50 exhibitions each year telling Herstory. In 2006 they will fly in Italy, Hungary, Turkey, England, France, Brazil and throughout the US. Please visit and for more information.

Monica Sjöö
Monica, who sadly died in 2005, was one of the Goddess world's most unique, innovative and enduring artists and writers.

Pamela Matthews
New Zealand visionary artist of original Goddess paintings, Goddesses of the New Light Cards & new Aurasoma Tarot Pack available worldwide

Penn Kemp
"A foremother of Canadian Poetry" is how the fiery Penn has been described. She is the author of 20 books dedicated to the Goddess.

Rae Beth
Author of, among others, Hedge Witch: A Guide to Solitary Witchcraft.

Roz Bound
Healer, writer, teacher of writing courses, healing circles, women’s groups & labyrinth walks.

Ruth Barrett
Returning to the Conference from the USA, Dianic high priestess Ruth Barrett is a Ritualist, and pioneer award winning recording artist of original Goddess songs.

Seize the Day
Seize the Day play fantastic music at venues, demonstrations and earth caring events all over the world.

Shawna Carol
Shawna is an internationally recognised composer, recording artist and healer. She has helped thousands to connect with the authentic power of their natural voices. She is a gifted singing teacher and director of the SpiritSong Center in Bedford, MA, USA.

Well-known author of The Spiral Dance, The Fifth Sacred Thing, and other books that link an earth-based spirituality to action to change the world.

Susun Weed's Wise Woman Center
Herbal Healing for Women: Crones, green witches, and goddesses gather to share woman's wisdom and herbal remedies for menstruation, natural childbirth, menopause, cancer prevention and more. Includes a forum and a virtual moonlodge. Susun is planning to come along to the Conference in 2008.

The Goddess Dancing
Anita Cristina Calcaterra & Cathy Moore
We are two out of a group of women who have been dedicated to belly dance as a lost form of worship of the Goddess for over a decade. We also offer pre-natal belly dance classes and have done workshops about pregnancy and birth throughout the area.

Tyna Redpath
Tyna doesn't have her own website, so the link above points to her gorgeous Goddess and Green Man shop. On Glastonbury's High Street, it's one of those shops you can browse in for hours. and of course:

The beautiful Songs from the Wheel of Ana were a huge success at the Goddess Conference in 2003.

Wendy Andrew
Painter of Goddess and mythical art.

The Glastonbury Goddess Temple
Don't miss it - the temple or the website!

More Goddess Events

Goddess in Cornwall (September 2007)
The Goddess in Cornwall event celebrates the Goddess in the Land in the beautiful surroundings of West Cornwall. It is open to all women (and children) to come and experience a wide range of activities together, featuring ceremony, ritual, music, creativity and exploration.

Goddess Festival in Budapest
This promises to be a wonderful event. Hungary was once the land of the Great Goddess, and She is still there, hidden in the rich culture, traditions, folk and fairy tales.

Glastonbury Sites

Just a small selection - not just "town" sites but a few local people's sites, too.

AppleTree House
B&B designed with warmth and hospitality in mind to make your stay in Glastonbury a time of magical delight. Backs onto the Abbey grounds, with a beautiful view of the Tor.

Glastonbury B&B on the slopes of the Tor, with colour therapy, aura soma and astrological readings.

Bridget Healing Centre
Healing the body, mind and soul.

Chalice Well - the Goddess in the Cart Procession stops here, but you would want to go anyhow.

The Dorm
A hip, chic, discreet, intimate, mellow, funny, informal, stylish, tranquil, comfortable, laidback, elegant, friendly, peaceful haven - sounds perfect for the conference, and very close to Glastonbury.

Facets of Avalon
Beautiful Glastonbury shop specialising in hand-made jewellery, hand-painted silks and colour therapy products.

Friends of Brides Mound
Towards the re-creation of a Sanctuary at this important historical site.

Glastonbury Abbey - ancient Christian site, still sacred site for others, too. Beware of the rules.

Healing Waters Retreat and Sanctuary
A beautiful sanctuary with views of Glastonbury Tor and the Somerset Levels, Healing Waters Sanctuary run private residential healing retreats and also hire the venue for courses and therapy space for practitioners.

The Priestess House
A place to stay in magical Avalon. Goddess Retreats, too!

Goddess Pages
A new online journal of Goddess spirituality in the 21st century - launched at Samhain 2006

Geraldine Charles
Webmistress to the Goddess Conference, Glastonbury Goddess Temple, Goddess Alive! and too many more to name. Geraldine is also a counsellor and writer and runs the online correspondence course Getting to know the Goddess.

Isle of Avalon There is so much information about Avalon here that it is difficult to think of anything that isn't included.

Jacoby Cottage
A unique B&B for women in a converted 15th Century Chapel, offering single, twin or double rooms, two in the old chapel space and one overlooking fabulous gardens. There is also a a beautifully appointed Mongolian style yurt situated in the orchard. Rooms are £22 pppn.

Mid-Atlantic Geomancy
Another local site, with a lot of information. I particularly like their by-line: Geomancers are spiritual ecologists

A peaceful location in central Glastonbury with beautiful gardens, also offers therapeutic breaks.

The essential Tourist Information Centre

Visitor's Guide from Glastonbury Online.


Check out the BBC website for photographs of the 2006 Conference!

Slippery Jack's Arthouse
Showing beautiful inspirational and pagan art.

Women Visionaries
A Virtual Wellspring for Contemporary Priestesses, with events, products and news. A journal is also planned.

The Wiccan Education Society Goddess Temple
Home of the Wiccan Educational Society's Goddess Temple in the USA.

Ann Cook
If you've noticed the extra vibrancy and colour of many of the photos on the website during the last few years, then thank Ann Cook, who has been at the last two conferences with her camera and has taken some stunning shots. Somehow she manages to be unobtrusive and yet right in the centre of the action at the same time! She also feels very much like part of the conference to us. Ann's photographs have been published by, among others, the BBC, The Times Saturday Magazine and The New Statesman. She has generously allowed us to use for this site many of the photographs she has taken in previous years and we are looking forward to seeing her again this year.

The Center for the Future
Providing Alternative Solutions for Open Minded People through leading edge technologies in vibrational healing, frequency modalities, exceptional nutritional support and spiritual enlightenment.

The Sisterhood of Avalon
The Sisterhood of Avalon™ is an International Celtic Women's Mysteries Organization which seeks to balance Intuitive Wisdom with Scholastic Achievement. The SOA focuses on research and teaching. Among our activities, we sponsor the Avalonian Thealogical Seminary, international training intensives, Spiritual Pilgrimages to Glastonbury and other Celtic Sacred Sites, a vast networking web, a barter and matronage program, a monthly newsletter and ample learning opportunities.

Fellowship of Isis
Has tens of thousands of members worldwide united in the Goddess.

Goddess Alive!
A favourite magazine, now online.

Ly de Angeles
High Priestess of the Coven of WildWood Gate, Australia and the author of several books including The Way of the Goddess, Unity/Prism, UK, 1987. Ly is also an archer, a silver-smith and a psychic.

Moon Diary Products
Moon Diaries, address books and wall charts.
This looks very useful for Goddess information and links. A lot of work has gone into this site.

Pagan People's Music
Pagan People's Music is the place to acquire an eclectic array of underground pagan and goddess music.
Posters, prints and more here.

Julia McMahon, Artisan
Handcrafted designs for your heart and home.

Centre of the Sacred Feminine