cc` !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> My Dragon's Lair Sharing is the reason for my being...: June 2006

My Dragon's Lair Sharing is the reason for my being...

Altered and added new content 10-4-07 Important 5-4-07 No longer Child safe because of the links inside sites included here. Adult Humor is posted here. Template errors still. E shows wrong, and Netscape shows mostly correct. Activly learning HTML to correct and improve. Be it fun or serious I hope you enjoy and take away with you what I find to share. LI

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Women's Health On IVillage

Cervical Cancer: Signs, Symptoms & Diagnosis
Provided By:
HealthCentersOnline . Email this page .Print
Cervical Cancer:Prevention [article]
Cervical Cancer:Overview [article]
Cervical Cancer:Fast Facts [article]
Cervical Cancer:Dealing Day-to-Day [article]
Cervical Cancer:Key Q&A [article]

When cervical cancer is diagnosed in its earliest stages, it has a 92 percent survival rate. However, in its early stages, cervical cancer may have few or no symptoms. For this reason, it is crucial for women to receive regular pelvic examinations and Pap smears to detect cervical cancer before it becomes invasive.
Prior to the development of cervical cancer, the cells in the cervix may undergo abnormal or precancerous changes. These changes may cause only mild symptoms, the most common being abnormal vaginal bleeding. This is bleeding that is not typical of your normal menstrual cycle.
There may be spotting or light bleeding that occurs between normal menstrual periods. In some women with early cervical cancer, menstrual bleeding may be heavier or last longer than usual. Any unexplained changes in your menstrual cycle can indicate possible precancerous or cancerous cervical cells.
Abnormal bleeding also may occur when something comes in contact with the cervix, such as during sexual intercourse. If you notice bleeding when you insert a diaphragm or contraceptive sponge, it may be an indication of cervical cancer.
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Continued from page 1
Provided By: HealthCentersOnline . Email this page . Print

Discharge containing mucus tinged with blood may also be associated with cervical cancer. In menopausal women, increased vaginal discharge or bleeding may be a symptom as well.
Pelvic pain is another common symptom. The pain may be particularly noticeable during sexual intercourse.
Other symptoms tend to occur in more advanced stages of cervical cancer. These include:
Ongoing pelvic, leg or back pain
Anemia (low number of red blood cells) due to abnormal bleeding
Urinary problems due to blockage of the ureter or kidneys
In advanced cervical cancer, some women may notice a leakage of urine or fecal matter into the vagina. This may occur because a fistula, or opening, has developed between the vagina and the bladder or rectum. As the cancer progresses, women may experience fatigue, a reduced appetite and unexplained weight loss.
Note that these symptoms are not unique to cervical cancer. They may occur with other, less serious female medical conditions.
Diagnosing cervical cancer
A visit to your gynecologist is the first step if you are experiencing symptoms associated with cervical cancer. Your gynecologist will review your symptoms and any concerns you may have about your gynecological health and complete a thorough pelvic examination.
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I have lost count how many time I tried to include the rest of this article. As Nova Library computers are shutting down, I think that might have something to do with it. Please go to the article and learn more of how to take care of yourself the best you can. Be aware and be well.

Things to enjoy at Nova SE University

This I put together for a new friend. And have added to it and edited it since then.
The Alvin Sherman Library is located on the main campus of Nova Southeastern University in Davie, Florida. Our mailing address and telephone number are as follows:
Alvin Sherman Library, Research, and Information Technology Center 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Blvd. Fort Lauderdale-Davie, Florida 33314-7796

Telephone: 954-262-4600 For complete information.
For Map and Directions:

An idea for parking is to go to the Ziff Building on the corner of Nova and University and take their shuttle to the library. Make sure you take the right one.

Parking and Shuttle:
Select from the menu on the right to obtain detailed information on how to get here, where to park, hours of operation, holiday closings, and alternative modes of transportation to and from campus.

My Directions: If you go from university Drive up Nova Drive heading East. You'll see a rounded front of a building just before the Maltz Building for Nova. Shortly before College Avenue.
Go down to the circle There is parking for $1 an hour in the parking lot on the right. The building to the left is the library.
Go to the front desk and say you are a Borward county resident and you'd like to get a card. They ask for you license and then you'll be free to use the first and second floor. There is a 3rd floor but I haven't been there.
You can take out 30 items for 30 days and depending on the demand for the item you can renew your item. And DVD's are only 3 days, But if you get it early and give it back late it is like having it for an extra day. For these you can take them out another time. (2).
Of course your children can take out their own items when you sign them up for their own cards. Teaches responsibility etc which I know you like.
To take out a lap top for 3 hours at a time, go near the security guy that you passed when you came in and you'll find the computer lab. Give them your drivers license and Nova library card. I set my cell for the time, so I don't loose track of when it goes back. These are Dell's and are more accessible to multiple screens than the desk tops are. But you can buy a card starting with $1 for printing some thing at .10 page. on the desk tops.

Other computers for (all are free) /unlimited usage on the first and second floor. (And there are Labs available. Which have what I like the live links to keeping your pages you are working on. Not all computers have this ability. They are strict about no cell phones outside of approved areas that you can use them.

This is the main link for Nova SEU library. You'll find the children and adult programs here.
This is the adult link.

On the second floor there is a gallery. With photos of endangered species going on till July 20 Highly recommended. Very close up photos.

Endangered! The Galapagos Islands, Madagascar, The Amazon, Borneo, and ChinaApril 20 - July 20, 2006 Exhibit Gallery, second floor
The Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences presents ENDANGERED!: The Galapagos Islands, Madagascar, The Amazon, Borneo, and China, an exhibit of more than 120 photographs focusing on tropical ecosystems and endangered species. The exhibit will run from April 20–July 20 in the Alvin Sherman Library Second Floor Gallery.
ENDANGERED! is a collection of scientific photographic data compiled through trips during the summer of 2005 to five unique areas of the world organized by Barry Barker, Ed.D., professor of environmental science/studies in the Division of Math, Science, and Technology. The collection’s perspective on endangered species represents the work of students and faculty who use the photographic expeditions to learn about and document fragile ecosystems.
For more information contact Barry Barker, Ed.D., (954) 262-8303 or
There is a nice area for children on the first floor.
Pdf of program for children to read books at the library.

Added 6/28: This is what I did today.

Wednesday June 28 : The Basic Basics: Computers for the Absolute Beginners A drop by open lab experience for adults just developing their computer skills. During each session, a librarian is available to provide one-on-one and small group assistance and advice 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm PLS Computer Lab

For Adults & Seniors Computer Classes Computer Classes
Each month a new concept is covered by library professionals - from introductory classes in Microsoft Word and E-mail through more advanced topical explorations, such as vacation planning, South Florida gardening, and foreign language training. See the Adult Programs page for a description of the computer and technology classes offered each month.
In addition to our monthly computer programs, the Alvin Sherman Library offers other learning opportunities at different levels of difficulty, both online or in person. Learn more about these classes in our
Help Section page on Training Opportunities.

There is one issue that the class keeps moving where they hold it but if you go to the Children's section and ask the Librarian who works there, she will know where to direct you. I had a lot of fun and found the teacher and two people helping guide us very helpful and know so much to share! I wish to thank these people for a very fun and interesting class because I have been wondering how to do these things! I know where I am going to be going Monday's and Wednesdays! I hope it is an on going project!

I was surprised that they were doing things considered to be advanced! Not just point your mouse and be beginners keyboard lessons! Which beginners classes do to you! And the class fills so go early to get your spot! A very popular class once you find it!

They supplied a pair of ear buds and the CD's so we could enjoy the full range of our lesson, which was to find and download and copy onto CD's the music we found. Unfortunately some of the computers speakers didn't have sound and some of our CD's had download failures. Including mine. But the teacher said I would be able to play it some where else. So I am going to try again. And they noted the ones that gave us trouble so I am sure they are going to fix the problems we found today.

So we downloaded from several websites and also from a music CD from the Nova Library collection. I was lucky and got the Bee Gee's who I do like!

To share the sites we did was the song for Had to change computers as the speakers didn't work at the computer I was at. and had to keep changing till I found one that did work. And then I had fun at I found Boggie's sound clips. You can not copy them to outside sites but you can enjoy them on a CD you burn, you can put it on your MP3 or Ipod. So it was a fun and good day! Find movies that you know and have fun with the voice clips. There was more but I didn't have time to explore. For sure going to! And was a good one! For songs but the one I chose only had access to hear and buy. Not to be able to be shared for free. Of course that would be Gipsy Kings, my favorite.

And I found a new favorite Joanne Shenandoah. Who I know from Native Radio. She sings beautiful Native American songs that are easily learned. She is on a CD "Native American Currents". With 4 artists and I found it interesting what they used for instruments to express the music. Not only flute and drums. Very modern and I enjoyed it very much. And I found the Gipsy Kings in concert on a website that I was surfing while I waited for the class to do what they were finishing. But Rats! No concerts near me. You can find them on Oh and Tom Cruize also is on MySpace and there was a clip on one of the sites we went to today with him.

Monday is going to be making T- shirt transfers! So we have to bring a white T-shirt to class! And I have already planned what I am going to do. Bringing in a photo CD I have with Tiger on it and I have to figure out the words I want to use. And yes it is going to be a color transfer!

I was next to a woman who was trying to talk to me. She met me going in the elevator downstairs and asked me if I was deaf. As she volunteered with children. I said I was hearing impaired as I did hear if some one faced me because of surgery I had. But I am trying to figure out the percentage of who I read lips and who I really hear. Usually on a land line phone I would find out fast. But that is frustrating to both parties. And I know if some one faces away or walks away I hear some thing but it is not some thing I could say what what was said. She told me of a woman she admired so I am going to look it up. A woman from Channel 2 I have to recall the name. But I know how to search for what she told me. And she asked me if I had ever been to DC Galadette. And I mentioned I had seen that the President was going to retire. And the new woman is deaf and knows how to sign and speak. It is unclear if she is going to do what during press conferences. I found him interesting and am sorry to learn about him too late. But he is not stopping his advocacy. He is going to third world countries that don't have our rights, yet.


Events: The Alvin Sherman Library organizes events and exhibits, but also hosts events and exhibits organized by other entities from NSU, Broward County, and beyond.
Upcoming events happening at the Library are listed below. Follow the links on the right to access current or past exhibit information, or see
Public Library Services Programs to see what programs are being offered this month for Adults & Seniors, Teens, and Children.
Check out our
Exhibits page for current and upcoming exhibits.

About PLS The Public Library Services Department serves people of all ages from toddlers to senior citizens. The Department enriches the lives of every user by providing a full spectrum of materials in varied formats including books, newspapers, magazines, recorded books, videos, DVDs, CDs and an increasing selection of online and electronic resources, by providing cultural and educational programs for all ages and by providing information technology instruction which enhances the public's ability to use electronic resources. The Department strives to satisfy the personal and professional interests of all patrons.
Follow the links on the right to find out more, or feel free to contact us for general inquiries, questions about our programs, or to request general information.

One-Day Used Book Sale July 13, 2006, 10 am to 5 pm Library atrium
Pick up some summer reading at the library's one-day used book sale. The library will be selling used hard cover books, paperbacks, children's books and audio books. Cash or checks ONLY! (ATM located on the 1st floor). For questions please call the Collection Development Department at (954) 262-4542.
Public Library Services Programs . Books Over Biscotti . Poetry Series . New English Café . Computer Classes . NYT Best-Sellers List
PLS Reference DeskPhone: 954-262-5477

Desk hours (EST): M-F: 9am - 9pm Sat: 9am - 8pm Sun: 11am - 9pm

Director's Message:
Welcome to the Alvin Sherman Library, Research, and Information Technology Center, the largest library building in the state of Florida. The Alvin Sherman Library is a unique joint-use facility serving the residents of Broward County as well as NSU students, faculty, and staff members. Thanks to an agreement between the Broward County Board of County Commissioners and NSU, the Alvin Sherman Library offers traditional public library services as well as the full academic resources of one of the nation's major independent universities. This library was opened to the public on December 8, 2001.
Standing five stories high with wireless access throughout the building, cozy reading niches, 22 study rooms, 1,000 user seats, and a café, the library environment is spacious, high tech, yet friendly. You will discover collections of research materials, specialized databases, popular fiction and nonfiction books, magazines and journals, CDs, DVDs, special programs for children and teens, book discussion groups, author readings, and classes on using research tools and resources. Most importantly, you will find a professional library staff attuned and ready to serve your needs.
Please enjoy a virtual tour of the library on the Web page, or visit in person to meet us and explore one of the nation's finest new libraries. Let us be your library guides!
Harriett MacDougall DirectorAlvin Sherman Library, Research, and Information Technology Center
[ back to top ] added 6/28 as mynavigationgation does not work as it should, on the side.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

More jokes from David

More Jokes from David:
Computer Points to Ponder You might know these?
Hotel Funnies Don't claim any one is yours!
Blue Neck A northern version of the Redneck jokes.

Will be back with more.

Monday, June 19, 2006

I am using the local University computers.

Added 7/10: Of course I would have to find this after I join. Still $27 is a good deal. But if you like to save money here is news for you! Now 6 months at $19.99!

More to come but I have been away because I am offline at home and there is a 3 minute warning up! here at the local college, whose computers I am using. So I will be back soon...Me
Added 6/21 despite the ads for them having $24.99 a month for DSL I found different to be the case. Because I don't want to pay BellSouth $60 for only a line, insurance, and DSL to have

I thought it would be good to listen to my friends who recommend for 100% Broadband! And I like their site. In order for it not to cost $60 for just the Broadband, you have to take their basic cable which should bring it to about $45. It is about 15 stations form MIA.

Well if anything like last year I loose my form something hitting it (my neighbor's roof) I'll have an option for some thing to watch, if they are up. With Wilma they were down for over a week, and offered no breaks financially for no service. Direct TV suspended our accounts and gave us credit from the time Wilma hit. As we couldn't call right away. No phone service.

What we did was had a black and white TV hooked up to a small generator for 3 weeks until Direct TV brought people from out of state in to help them. I could have gone up on the roof and redirected my own satellite. No way! I am not even getting up on my flat roof! As there are angled tiles on the eves. I am no super woman!

To get Vonage I had to release the home phone number and not have it connected to DSL service. Thus the reason I have no connection at home. I canceled a great deal with Comcast because I thought when I was told I would get a new roof to my patio upstairs, there would be no access for them to install it. Thinking that would involve ladders and men working on the structural part of it. So I lost my deal for $75 dollars back, and $19.99 a month for 6 months, and a free modem. Oh if you need to change the date, they cancel your deal. And the current offer is $14.99 for 3 months.

After waiting 13 years for the many leaks (waterfalls) I have damaging my property under the roof, I was shocked to see the new roof was a paper lining with tar sealing it. It has been tarred before and I am looking to see what the next rain will do because I also mentioned the sliding glass door had a problem. As it had holes in the casement. And that it had been tarred before. So the holes were tarred. Interesting! So what did I wait for 13 years for, or cancel my Comcast for? Oh I am not closing in my patio while there is water going where it doesn't belong, then it would be my problem to fix. I bought the house knowing there was damage, but that it was the condo association's responsibility to fix it. Well that is not the case. I think they want you to give up and live with the mold, mildew and damage to ones property.

Well I told Vonage that I would gladly pay their $27 even without Comcast being installed yet. Then I found out you can suspend the account and still be their customer. I said hurry and change the number over to them as I don't want to pay the $!15 for just the DSL! Not being able to hear the house phone, and they erase my messages within 5 days. So it angers my friends and family, though I tell them the computer is the best way to keep in touch with me! Oh well. We'll see!

Oh and my neighbor and friend has Comcast and showed me how FAST it is! Downloading takes no time at all! And recently a man trying to sell dial up, tried to make me out to be STUPID saying that the best thing going was Dial up! Don't be thinking because I am a woman and not aware of what makes a computer work, I certainly spend enough time to know that from experience, Dial up takes forever, DSL feels like dial up and I am so looking forward to Broadband! I ran away from that man! Said he was wasting his time! :-) He was talking to a computerholic. Who was told by a carrier that I was online in one month for 7,400 hours. They doubled my rate and I got rid of them! What part of unlimited internet access means except you? I am a chronic insomniac. Well I was before the last scare of my near death experience. Now I have no trouble sleeping. It is all I want to do. Forcing myself to get off the pillow seems to be the routine now. Well that is all for now. Rich want to go home.

Added 6/28. I have never let a company say not to contact the company to keep a phone number before so the LOA (letter of authorization to change companies) didn't work out the first 2 times. Well Vonage only gives two free and then charges $10 for a third to be sent. So hopefully this one will work. I was at a family restaurant and found a dear caregiver from my medical clinic who had left. And we had run into eachother in a store during Wilma. And what a small world to find her again. Well her boss said how Vonage was giving away stock at $17 and now it is worth about $10. I have not looked it up to see. Since I am not into the stock market at all. I only knew it did hit the stock market last year. And that they have been in business for about 6 if I recall? So I guess I am going to see how things go. I'll be happy for the time they are around, and there was a news report on other companies who offer the same services and even some were less but I went with what I knew. And I had been told about them more than a year ago. Anything to keep from paying for what I don't use! The house phone! And we think I will actually begin to use it since it will be linked online. hummm... We'll see. So please ask all the questions before you commit to procedures.

Make sure your DSL is not connected to the house phone number that you want to transfer to them. That should prevent the problems of the first company not wanting to relinquish the number.
So be prepared for this to take time. It takes 20 days for the LOA to be effective. And you have to keep paying everyone until that happens. Your new cable/DSL carrier, and Vonage, and the original Phone Company. All because I like my phone number I have had for 15 years! And not wanting to have any one "steal" it from me! If you don't make sure of this being done, the temporary number Vonage assigns you becomes your permanent number.

And don't let it be taken for granted that because you tell some one that you will let go of DSL service by the 15th that Vonage doesn't cancel your LOA and give you the new number as permanent on the 13th! So it is adding up. There was no free month and so far I have paid for two month with no service. I am waiting for the next shoe to drop and see if it adds to cost more unexpected fees to get what I want. (what I think I want.)

And the current offer at Comcast is $19.99 for three months. I think I'll wait till my 20 days passes to save a month of another bill for no service? Since I am doing fine using the College computers...

Added 7/10 I called AOL for their advertised Broadband for $24.95. And although it is not available in my area, Comcast offer of $19.99 for 6 months is! And then a good price after that with no contract! So also more savings! So hopefully I will soon be back online at home! By calling AOL, you can get connected to almost every service out there. I saw a commercial for Verison and they are saying we'll watch TV on our phones. Of course they are not available in my area!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A few jokes for this week from Frank

EVE TALKS TO GOD "Lord, I have a problem."
"What's the problem, Eve?"
"I know that you created me and provided this beautiful garden and all of these wonderful animals, as well as that hilarious comedic snake, but I'm just not happy."
"And why is that Eve?"
"Lord, I am lonely, and I'm sick to death of apples."
"Well, Eve, in that case, I have a solution. I shall create a man for you."
"Man? What is that Lord?"
"A flawed creature, with many bad traits. He'll lie, cheat and be vain; all in all, he'll give you a hard time. But he'll be bigger, faster and will like to hunt and kill things.
I'll create him in such a way that he will satisfy your physical needs. He will be witless and will revel in childish things like fighting and kicking a ball about. He won't be as smart as you, so he will also need your advice to think properly."
"Sounds great," says Eve, with ironically raised eyebrows, "but what's the catch Lord?"
"Well, you can have him on one condition."
"And what's that Lord? "
"As I said, he'll be proud, arrogant and self-admiring ... so you'll have to let him believe that I made him first. And it will have to be our little secret. Woman to woman."

Added 6/28 OMG/dess! Did I get flack for this one, above! One geosite chose to add it and another had no comment. But one I got Flame Mailed from a third! Such sensitive people to sexist jokes. I guess I have a tough hide? I have all my life found that my humor has been deemed dark or off. But look, I find like people! Who if not are worse than me! It was like I severered a body part! Or cast dispersions on someone's ethinic choice of being. I noticed the Goddess in the end. I thought it was a cute angle to the creation of Man. And thought it was cute, and I didn't add the one that had the creation of Woman ruined by adding a mouth in the end. Frank apologized for who it would offend, but still chose to share it. And that is what I did. So for all those who believe God is Woman (Female) Enjoy!
And yes, boys like to play with balls. Gosh how many national past times are with balls being thrown around? And it made me realize that more that I have what in common with this group? So I feel I learned a lesson. I sent Frank the fact that I got into hot water for this! And Frank was kind to respond that such a thing ( learning a lesson) is not a bad thing! Thanks Frank for all you do! I will continue to share your site and humor with many others! Every one I know enjoyed the "JOKE"! Meant for enjoyment not a political statement or to skin people's pride.
The End on that Subject!

Three men from different countries were talking about their sex lives.
The Italian says, "Last week, my wife and I had great sex. I rubbed her body all over with olive oil, we made passionate love, and she screamed for five full minutes at the end.

"The Frenchman boasts, "Last week when my wife and I had sex, I rubbed her body all over with butter. We then made passionate love and she screamed for fifteen minutes".
The Jewish man says, "Well, last week my wife and I also had sex. I rubbed her body all over with chicken fat. We made love, and she screamed for over six hours."
The Italian and Frenchman were stunned. They asked, "What could you have possibly done to make your wife scream for six hours?"
The Jewish man says, "I wiped my hands on the bedspread!!!"

Some women get excited about nothing, and then marry him.

Two guys from Montana were out fishing and drinking beer.
All of a sudden one of the fishermen said, "I think I'm going to divorce my wife - she hasn't spoken to me in over six months."His buddy takes another swig of his beer, thinks for a moment and says, "You better think it over women like that are hard to find."

Always remember: one good turn gets most of the blankets.

Gorgeous, intelligent, kind, sweet, charming, witty, hilarious, friendly.Well enough about ME! How are you?

WITH APOLOGIES TO WOMEN EVERYWHERE (for what is below, Frank.)

First the Lord made man in the Garden of Eden. Then he said to Himself, "There's something he's needing.' "After casting about for a suitable pearl, He kept messing around and created a girl. Two beautiful legs, so long and so slender, Round, slim, and firm, and ever so tender. Two lovely hips to increase his desire, And rounded and firm to bring out the fire. Two lovely breasts, so full and so proud, Commanding his eyes, as he whispers aloud. Two lovely arms, just aching to bless you, And two loving hands, to soothe and caress you. Soft, cascading hair hung down over her shoulder, And two dreamy eyes, just to make him grow bolder. T‘ was made for a man, just to make his heart sing. Then he added a mouth. Ruined the whole damn thing.

Everyone needs to be loved, Especially when they don't deserve it.

We know that there are days in the month when all a man has to do is open his mouth and he takes his very life into his own hands! This is a handy guide that should be as common as a driver's license in the wallet of every husband, boyfriend, or significant other!!
DANGEROUS: What's for dinner?

SAFER: Can I help you with dinner?
SAFEST: Where would you like to go for dinner?
ULTRASAFE: Here, have some chocolate.
DANGEROUS: Are you wearing that?
SAFER: Gee, you look good in brown.
SAFEST: WOW! Look at you!
ULTRA SAFE: Here, have some chocolate.
DANGEROUS: What are you so worked up about?
SAFER: What did I do wrong?
SAFEST: Here's fifty dollars.
ULTRA SAFE: Here, have some chocolate.
DANGEROUS: Should you be eating that?
SAFER: You know, there are a lot of apples left.
SAFEST: Can I get you a glass of wine with that?
ULTRA SAFE: Here, have some chocolate.
DANGEROUS: What did you do all day?
SAFER: I hope you didn't overdo it today.
SAFEST: I've always loved you in that robe!
ULTRA SAFE: Here, have some more chocolate.

1. Pass My Shotgun
2. Psychotic Mood Shift
3. Perpetual Munching Spree
4. Puffy Mid-Section
5. People Make me Sick
6. Provide Me with Sweets
7. Pardon My Sobbing
8. Pimples May Surface
9. Pass My Sweatpants
10. Pissy Mood Syndrome
11. Plainly; Men Suck
12. Pack My Stuff.

Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.

Marriage means commitment. Of course, so does insanity.

(Screach! I sent this in. It is from David's site.)
Sarah walked into a pharmacy and told the pharmacist that she needed some cyanide.
The pharmacist said, "Why in the world do you need cyanide?"
Sarah then explained she needed it to poison her husband.
The pharmacist's eyes got big and he said, "Lord, have mercy. Ican't give you cyanide to kill your husband! That's against the law!
I'll lose my license, they'll throw both of us in jail and all kinds of bad things will happen! Absolutely not, you can NOT have any cyanide!"
Sarah reached into her purse and pulled out a picture of herhusband in bed with the pharmacist's wife.
The pharmacist looked a the picture and replied, "Well, now. You didn't tell me you had a prescription."

A husband was in BIG trouble when he forgot his wedding anniversary.

"Tomorrow," his wife angrily told him, "there had better be something in our driveway that goes from zero to 200 in two seconds flat!
"The next morning, the wife looked outside and saw a small package in the driveway. She brought it inside, opened it, and found a brand new bathroom scale.
His funeral is on Saturday at 2 p.m.
Frank Kaiser: See also The Dragon's Muse, my wife's excellent crone site.
See his favorite links for this week: Political, health, advocacy, fun.
SUBSCRIBE TO SUDDENLY SENIOR! There are two theories to arguing with women. Neither one works. FREE! Join 22,000 of the most intelligent people on earth getting Suddenly Senior™ (and "World's Best Jokes") free by e-mail. CLICK HERE!
Got a favorite joke? Share it with us.
Jokes as found in

David's site where I got Arsnic from.
(We don't think of every thing when we get old)
When Cinderella got Old
(For a NY fan)
Rules for Yankees who move to the south
(Included above)
(What is in the mind of boys)
God is missing
(Ya know all those stories of how much less than a buck got?)
Good old days
(Send us the address' for your friends and family, see the reward!)
Bill Gates

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[ back to top ] added 6/28 as my side navagation does not work as it should, on the side.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A meditation from a nice site from Australia

Last year I found this and lost it. So it is nice to get a notice of the meditation she has added. As always I am curious where people are from. Remembering she lives in Austrailia I thought I'd add some things in her area. Me.


Here is the first in a series of meditations that I intend to bring to you. You can download the meditation or listen to it directly from this webpage. As you listen to this meditation you will notice pauses throught out, this is to allow you time to explore what you are seeing and feeling at the time. If you are familiar with guided meditations that you will be used to this. If this is your first time with guided meditations just let your mind wander where ever it wants to go. You can listen to this meditation without any other aids or if you like you can hold a crystal while meditating. The healing crystal you choose is up to you, it could be a different one each time you meditate, just go with your intuition. This is my Rainforest Meditation. It is my favorite one, probably because it is the very first meditation that I wrote.

To hear the Rainforest Meditation push the play button (you may have to push the button twice)
As this Meditation is about 11 minutes long you may find it easier to download it to your computer.
Right Click on the download link below and select "Save Target As" then save to you music folder or where ever you wish to save the meditation. It will play through your media player. I have windows media play and everyone that I know has windows media player also. I beleive that it should play through any player that you have.
Click Here to Download Rainforest Meditation
Please note that this material is copywrited and cannot be used for anything other than your personal use without the consent of Crystal Healing Vibrations.

Hi my name is Colleen, and I am the author of this website and the Crystal Vibrations Crystal Healing, series of books.

Includes Video of serious fire, turned out okay:
This looks beautiful:
Ballarat * eureka!
The official travel and tourism website for Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. Featuring information on accommodation, attractions and events in Ballarat and ...

- 19k - Cached - Similar pages
Ballarat. Courier
News, information, advertising, and editorials from the local newspaper begun in

- 42k - Jun 5, 2006
Search for stories:
Please note that only a selection of stories published in The Courier are available online. The fires for March 2006:
In the early hours of December the 3rd, 1854 police and soldiers combined forces and marched from the Government Camp to the Eureka Stockade. To avoid detection they marched along established goldfield walking trails and typically followed gullies, rivers and hills. Upon arrival they attacked miners who had taken up arms and formed a stockade in defence of, amongst other grievances, their refusal to pay a license fee that they believed to be excessive. (more)...

Ballarat is Victoria's largest inland city. It started back in 1838 when a squatter called William Yuille camped on the shores of the Black Swamp, now known as Lake Wendouree. "Balla" "Arat" was derived from the meaning resting or camping place.
Gold was discovered at Poverty Point in 1851 by John Dunlop and James Regan who found a few ounces while panning in the Canadian Creek. By the following year there were around 20,000 diggers searching in the shafts of the Ballarat Goldfields. Due to this population explosion, Ballarat was proclaimed a town in 1852. By 1855, Ballarat was a municipality, a borough by 1863 and a city in 1870.

Ballarat Accommodation & Tourism Directory
Tourist AttractionsEureka CentreBotanical GardensLake WendoureeSovereign HillBallarat Wildlife ParkWineriesEx Prisoners of War MemorialBallarat Aboriginal Cultural ExperienceBallarat Fine Art GalleryMuseums and GalleriesNational ParksBallarat Gold TrailWorking FarmsEureka StockadeEureka TrailAboriginal HistoryHistory of GoldHistoric Timeline 1838 -1998Ballarat HistoryBallarat Historical SocietyBallarat History CentralRegion Historic Societies/Groups Avenue of Honour Ballarat Botanical GardensHer Majesty's TheatreHeritage Homes and Homesteads
Lake WendoureeBotanical GardensHistoric BuildingsAvenue of HonourVirtual Ballarat

Film Ballarat Hepburn
If you haven't heard of Film Ballarat Hepburn before, allow us to do a little name-dropping: maybe you've heard of Gregor Jordan's
Ned Kelly, Stephen King's Salem's Lot, Jan Sardi's Love's Brother, Ken Cameron's My Brother Jack, the ABC's Something In The Air or The Man from Snowy River? All these film and television productions, and many more, were shot in Australia's Ballarat and Hepburn region near Melbourne.
Do you know these movies? Some I do.

EARS Equine Advocates Rescue Service
Animal - Horses : EARS Equine Advocates Rescue Services Inc is a non profit organization devoted to stopping cruelty to all equines, domestic, companion, competition and wild. [club details]

[ back to top ] added 6/12 as my side navagation does not work as it should, on the side.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Two Morikami Events for our Ancestoral Spirits remembered.

Events at
Write Your Wishes at The Morikami's Tanabata Activity
Date: July 5 - 9, 2006 Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
In Japan Tanabata is held on the evening of July 7. It traces its origins to a legend that the Cowherd Star (Altair) and the Weaver Star (Vega), lovers separated by the Milky Way, are allowed to meet just once a year- on the seventh day of the seventh month. Other Asian countries have similar customs, known as the Star Festival.
In Japan, children and adults write their wishes on narrow strips of colored paper, known as tanzaku, and hang them, along with other paper ornaments, on bamboo branches placed in the backyards or entrances of their homes. Mirroring that tradition, visitors to the museum can write their own special wishes for the future and place them on Tanabata bamboo in the museum lobby.
Cost: Free with Museum Admission. Reservations are not required.

Don't forget: Bon Festival 2006 Date: Saturday, August 12, 2006 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Bon Festival Overview: Inspired by Obon, Japan's traditional three-day holiday honoring ancestors and thanking them for the quality of life enjoyed by the living, The Morikami celebrates Bon Festival in one fun-packed evening. Highlights include rousing taiko drum performances, traditional Japanese folk dancing with audience participation, ghost stories, and a street fair with games and vendor booths. The highlight of the evening begins at sunset when Morikami Pond is transformed into a tranquil sea of lighted lanterns which, in accordance with Japanese custom, guide the departure of ancestors' souls who have come for a brief visit among the living. A special fireworks display caps the enchanting evening.
Regular admission is $10 Adults (18 and over), $5 children (7-17), free for museum members and children 6 and under. (No special senior discounts are available)
Entertainment Schedule:
5:00pm - 9:00pm Ennichi Street Fair (games and activities for children)
5:15pm - 5:30pm Taiko Drum Performance by Fushu Daiko
5:45pm - 6:15pm Bon Odori (Bon Dance)
6:30pm - 7:00pm Taiko Drum Performance by Fushu Daiko
7:15pm - 7:45pm Bon Odori (Bon Dance)
8:00pm - 8:15pm Taiko Drum Performance by Fushu Daiko
8:30pm - 9:00pm Toro Nagashi (floating of the lanterns)
9:00pm - - Fireworks Display
*Entertainment schedule subject to change without notice*
Lantern Sales: Lantern sleeves for the Toro Nagashi (lantern floating) ceremony will be on sale starting at 5pm the night of the event. The cost is $5 per sleeve and is the perfect way to honor and remember a lost loved one. There is a limited amount of sleeves available and they cannot be purchased in advance. Make sure to get yours early in the evening as they sell out every year!
3 pages of photos/slideshow for last year.

For your convience: Keep informed on Fushu Daiko
FYI: We were surprised to end up on a long line of cars to get in. So please think of this when you go. Either head out early, or have a full tank of gas in the car!
You can request an email reminder up to 3 days in advance. Hope to see you there!

[ back to top ] added 6/12 as my side navagation does not work as it should, on the side.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

My NY trip Is over before I get there.

It literally pays to listen to our Gods!

I have a surprise for every one.

You know when things are too hard and you start questioning if you are trying to be told some thing? How many messages does our Mother need to give us before we listen? I have been trying so hard to get to NY. I thought it was not to disappoint my parents for their 50th ann. And of course get some tender R&R with my wonderful NY friend.
For the short of it. I spent 7 hours sitting in FLL a/p yesterday. Making a new friend! I shared my DVD and she a great movie I think you'll enjoy.
LGA is waterlogged. No planes in or out. When I saw on the weather channel that MA is so flooded, still, and NY is also with a lot of rain, we Floridians think what is rain compared to our hurricanes, it cannot be that bad! But when it was cancled I made arrangements to fly 7 hours (not nonstop) tomorrow, having only one free change. And the evening flight was already delayed, so I knew not to try the same day.
It would cost $168 to change a second time. It only cost $177 to get the tickets. I called NY and they are flooded. The Queens subways and LIE are drowned. And only more expected tomorrow. So I decided I would cancel all together. What was I going to do when I got to LGA and was unable to leave the a/p? And then to get around and home only 4 days later?
I told the reservations what I was told. She refunded my whole ticket! I never heard of that for nonrefundable ticket that the CO. said "act of God" clause hours earlier. which is not their fault I didn't fly.
So this groupy went and bought 3pm ticket for Performing at !! Hope to see you there, and I will p/u their new CD.
Remember OBon in August at the Festival.

Movie: Google will bring up several links.
This one is very nice, pictures and trailers, info:
The story: "It's a Celtic myth,..."After the fall of the Roman Empire, Irish KING DONNCHADH (David O'Hara) brutally subjugates tribal England. There, young orphaned TRISTAN (James Franco) is raised by family ally LORD MARKE (Rufus Sewell).
As a young man, the charismatic Tristan leads guerilla attacks on Irish occupying forces, ultimately defeating King Donnchadh's elite warriors. (cont)

Tristan + Isolde (2006) A screen adaption of an opera composed by Richard Wagner in 1856-9. In line with the story of star crossed lovers, the original score of the final scene of 'Tristan und Isolde' is played in the final scene of Baz Luhrmann's Romeo & Juliet. (more)
Some of the cast: James Franco ~ Tristan, Sophia Myles ~ Isolde, Rufus Sewell ~ Lord Marke, David O'Hara ~ King Donnchadh (as David Patrick O'Hara), Mark Strong ~ Wictred Henry Cavill ~ Melot.
Tagline: Before Romeo & Juliet, there was...
Plot Outline: An affair between the second in line to Britain's throne (Franco) and the princess of the feuding Irish (Myles) spells doom for the young lovers. (more) (view trailer) Enjoy!

[ back to top ] added 6/12 as my side navagation does not work as it should, on the side.

Gothamist is a website about New York.

This in an interesting site with lots of photos and their opinions/comments.
on the new subway rules.(below)
Posted by Jen Chung in MTA , , Subway Recommend? (4)
Forum The
Gothamist Forum is a New York City bulletin board.
[Total number of registered users: 1629 Total number of topics: 675 Total number of posts: 3022] Gothamist is a website about New York.
Jen Chung Publisher: Jake Dobkin

Whoa, tonight's wild thunderstorm has hit Staten Island in a serious way: There's an island-wide power outage right now, not to mention "starting fires, flooding streets, causing car crashes downing tree branches,"
according to SILive. Also, we're hearing that a police officer was struck by lightning. Be careful out there!
There will be
thunderstorms tomorrow as well.

June 8th, 2006 9pm/8c

Don't miss the 2006 MTV Movie Awards on Thursday, June 8 at 9pm/8c. Starring the fabulous Jessica Alba, plus performances by Christina Aguilera, Afi and Gnarls Barkley, this is your chance to catch the best at their best ? Best Kiss, Best Fight, Sexiest Performance, and much more!
May 30, 2006

The MTA Doesn't Care About Babies in Strollers
The convoluted ways of the subway never to amaze: A mother was
fined for using the service entrance for her daughter in a stroller because she didn't wait for the station agent to buzz her in. WABC 7's "Seven on Your Side" gets all advocate-for-the-viewers on the case and laid out the details: The mother, Michelle, put her Metrocard in the card slot at a 34th Street service entrance - which she's done many times before. The door opened. But then a station agent told her, "Excuse me, did anyone give you permission to go through that door?" - and then ticketed Michelle and her mother $60 each for not getting permission! The MTA claims that riders are supposed to know that they should wait in line if they want to use the service entrance (which is only for the handicapped), but Seven on Your Side didn't see any signs indicating this, even after the MTA said they'd put them up! And the MTA still expects Michelle and her mother to pay.
On the MTA's website, we
found this Q&A:
Why do I have to stand in line with my stroller before the agent lets me use the Service Entry gate?Customers who need to use Service Entry gates, including those with children in strollers, must wait in line with our other customers at the station booth to inform the station agent of their need to use the gate. The station agent will buzz the gate open after the customer has paid a fare at a turnstile and rotated the turnstile arm in view of the agent. We have found that customers who proceed directly to the Service Entry gate distract the station agents from conducting fare transactions at the booth. This policy also ensures that station agents will witness the payment of fares by Service Entry customers.
Still, if there are no signs actually at the service doors, it doesn't seem very clear. Maybe the MTA needs to start handing out pamphlets of rules for parents at hospitals! It is interesting though, since most people will try to get the station agent's attention when using the service entry, maybe some of the stroller clan think they own the subway.

May 31, 2006

The Hungry Cabbie Eats The Outer Boroughs: New Park Pizzeria Since I’ve dubbed myself The Hungry Cabbie, I thought my first post as Gothamist’s outer borough food correspondent should be about a classic eating institution that absolutely every cabbie should know: New Park Pizzeria.
It lies directly beneath the flight path into JFK Airport in the proud, old Italian neighborhood of Howard Beach, Queens. Unfortunately, the neighborhood is not known for being a particularly inviting place to outsiders thanks to a white mob that lynched a black man 2 decades ago. And knuckleheads like Fat Nick Minucci, who went to trial this week for racially slurring a black man before he allegedly cracked his skull with a baseball bat (he also beat a turbaned Sikh man as the towers burned on September 11), don’t help much either. Howard Beach is referred to more often as an “enclave” than a neighborhood as though it is a UN Compound amidst a raging third world genocide. It might be the only section of the city in which it makes sense that the locals buy their tacos and shish kabobs from a place called Vito’s.
(I lived here during this event, just over in South Ozone Park and spent a lot of time in the Gino's pizza, Me)
But don’t let wretched things like race riots and hate crimes deter you. New Park Pizza is fifty years old this year, and it is well worth an intrepid journey into the enclave. A slice from New Park is full of old-fashioned New York flavor. The light and chewy crust is charred just enough, and the cheese is plentiful but not overwhelming. The star of a New Park experience, however, is clearly the tomato sauce. It is tangy like a good sauce should be, yet it retains a slight hint of sweetness which gives the slice an addictive quality that has me driving miles out of my way at least once a week for a fix.
The grumpy pizza guys at New Park offer a Sicilian slice too, but mostly they stick to what they know best, and that is the classic New York thin crust cheese slice. If you ask them nicely, they’ll throw some pepperoni on there. And if you ask your cabbie nicely, maybe he’ll pull off the Belt Parkway or the Conduit on the way out to JFK and grab a slice with you. If I were your cabbie, I know I would.
New Park Pizzeria, 15671 Crossbay Blvd., Howard Beach, Queens
Posted by
Dave Freedenberg in Eat on the Cheap , In the 'Hood Link Comments (24)

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