Favorite Sites From Frank Kaiser For This Week
If you've been here, you know I enjoy and like Frank Kaiser very much!
http://www.suddenlysenior.com/Suddenly Senior™ is the nationally syndicated column enjoyed by 2.03 million Americans over 50 who've become senior before their time.
For many more services and information about anything you can think of that is helpful go to: http://www.suddenlysenior.com/links.shtml He changes what he likes often. If it is good, he keeps it
This is earlier in here. But to share it being easy to find ... Find cheap gas!
FIND THE CHEAPEST GAS AROUND! Just enter your zip code in the site below, and it tells you which gas stations have the cheapest prices (and the highest) on gas in your zip code area. It's updated every evening. CLICK HERE!
Basically, a Blog is a web log that's updated regularly, sometimes daily, with the most recent entry posted at the top. Usually there's a calendar on the right hand side of the page where you can click on past dates to read older entries. Thousands of seniors have them -- to let the family know what they're doing, to sound off to the world about what's happening out their and what they think about it.
Seach for blog sites at http://www.bloglines.com/ to find blogs that interest you.
Now, go to http://www.blogger.com/, http://www.moveabletype.org/ or http://www.typepad.com/ and create your portal into the land of blogs.
Here are some software sites that are helpful:
Radio Userland: Suitable for personal or business use, it's easy to use but also has advanced features for the more savvy user. There's a 30 day trial available so you can download it to try it out. If you like it, purchase it for only $39.95.
Movable Type: A customizable publishing system which installs on your web server. Fr'ee for personal use or non-profit use, but donations are accepted. Commercial users must pay a $150.00 licensee fee.
Easier still are the 3rd Party Services:
Blogger: Owned by Google. If you'd like to test the "blogging waters", this fr'ee service makes it a snap to set up your first Blog. Easy to register and you can start posting immediately. If you download Google's latest toolbar, you'll find a Blogger button included, which makes it easy to add sites to your Blog with one click as you surf the Web.
TypePad: A very powerful hosted weblogging service with a rich set of features. A basic weblog, including the ability to display images and enable comments, will run you $4.95 a month. If you register for a year, you'll save almost $10.00 in fees. If you need more features, there's a Plus account for $8.95 a month or Pro.
Bonzer! A free, monthly on-line journal by, for and about wise elders. Now into its third year of publication. Based in Melbourne, Australia (hence the title, which means 'excellent') Bonzer! is run entirely by volunteer editors, artists and writers. It has no money so can't pay anyone anything. Its readers come from Australia, Canada, Holland, India, New Zealand, UK and USA. Winner of the coveted GrayPow Award (as was Suddenly Senior).
Brazen Hussie is decidedly off center (not off color) -- satire, gossip, and humor a la Mae West served up with a subtextual homage to the golden days of Hollywood. The Hussies expound two main philosophies: 1. "Live! Live! Live" -- Auntie Mame and, natch, 2. "Age doesn't matter unless you are cheese." -- Dorothy Parker.
Buck Howdy What would a seniors' list of sites be without some good old-fashioned music? Oregonian Buck Howdy has a great voice and a funny Website. Check it out and you'll hear good, wholesome music from "Don't Fence Me In" to "Alley Oop."
HumorSear TheThe Web's Source for Humor. Over 10,000 Jokes And Pics. The Web's Largest Interactive Humor Community.
[Journal of] Fixed Income So many of us seniors are on a fixed income. The Journal of Fixed Income provides technical, sophisticated research in bonds: mortgage-backed securities, high yield bonds, futures and options, municipal and global bonds, corporate and asset-backed securities. Industry experts offer penetrating analysis on fixed income structuring, asset allocation, performance measurement, risk management and more.
Homes and Communities / HUD Looking for housing options for yourself, an aging parent, relative, or friend? Do some research first to determine what kind of assistance or living arrangement you need; what your health insurance might cover; and what you can afford. Then check here for financial assistance resources and guides for making the right choice. Talk to a HUD-approved housing counselor if you have questions about your situation. See also http://www.senioroutlook.com/ and http://www.elderlivingsource.com/
Healthoopedia recommended by Suddenly Senior readers, provides a medical and health consumer information resource containing comprehensive and unbiased information in patient-friendly language from trusted sources on over 1,500 health topics, 70 focussed health centers, and more than 11,000 drugs and medications.
Hearing Loss Reader Lynn Rousseau suggested this very useful site for the hard of hearing, their spouses and friends. As Lynn says, "It is a National non-profit organization based out of Bethdesa MA. and there are chapters in Canada too! The hardest part of this organization is that many people still do not know about it even though it has been around for 21 years! Hearing loss is an invisible "condition" (I refuse to call it handicap). and visual means is the best way to get communication across."
See what your Congressman takes in legal bribes: http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/
See how your Congressman voted: http://www.congress.org/congressorg/home/
Track Legislation Online: http://thomas.loc.gov/
Holding Power Accountable: http://www.commoncause.org/
National Taxpayers Union: http://www.ntu.org/main/
What you pay for Congress: http://www.pbs.org/now/politics/congbenefits.html
See what's going on on the Floor of Congress: http://clerk.house.gov/floorsummary/floor.php3Citizens for Tax Justice
Citizens for Tax Justice is a nonpartisan, nonprofit research and advocacy organization dedicated to fair taxation at the federal, state, and local levels. A good resource for those interested in fairness in taxation.
• George W. Bush - president@whitehouse.gov
• Dick Cheney - vice.president@whitehouse.gov
• Jeb Bush - jeb.bush@myflorida.com
• Kim Jong Il - eng-info@kcna.co.jp
• Jacques Chirac - france-presse@un.int
• The Pope - accreditamenti@pressva.va
• Contact your Senator - http://www.senate.gov/senators/senator_by_state.cfm
Also 1-800.247.2971
• Contact your Representative - http://www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW.html
• Links to Central Government Agencies - http://www.firstgov.gov/
FirstGov for Seniors Links to government sponsored services and organizations of interest to seniors. A good place to start any federal government search.
Is that true? Check out claims in political ads at FactCheck.org
and Bush Green Watch, you can keep an eye on your environment.
Good newsletter, too. The Center for American Progress is also checking contradictory statements by Bush and Cheney.
Iraq War
Where do we begin? Perhaps with the 1,857 Americans, 93 Britons, seven Bulgarians, one Dane, one Estonian, 20 Italians, 16 Poles, one Salvadoran, 11 Spaniards, two Thai and 17 Ukrainians, in the war as of February 6, 2005. And let's not forget the 13,489 US wounded in action.
Take a closer look here.
If you feel this war is a mistake, look at Veterans for Peace, The GI Rights Hotline at 1/800.394.9544, Citizen Soldier, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Common Sense, Gold Star Families for Peace, and Bring them Home Now.
Also this week is a good one for WWll memory lane.
The country was at war. We saved our tin cans and toothpaste tubes. Too many windows framed Gold Star flags. How much do you remember? READ FULL STORY
PhRMA has sites at http://www.ayudandopacientes.org and http://www.helpingpatients.org that will lead you to information about your state's patience assistance programs.
For generic drugs, compare Costco with all others. I find them far cheaper, often a third or less of what Walgreen's charges. Also, look at Physician.com for inexpensive generics and good health and medical information.
Veterans will find lots of good information about VA eligibility, etc. at
VA Health Benefits & Services.
Also, see Rep. Bernie Sander's site on Prescription Drug Pricing Reform at http://bernie.house.gov/prescriptions/index.asp and Boston University's Health Reform Program where you'll find valuable information on how to fix our broken healthcare system.
RxList features what one pharmacist wrote me "a wealth of information about the drugs readers take."
Drug Interactions with Herbs The May Clinic detailed list of herbal supplements which contain active ingredients that can harm you if taken with certain prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) drugs.
FamiliesUSA They call themselves "The Voice for Healthcare Consumers." Truly an excellent site for good information about Medicare, prescription drugs, Medicaid, and the latest on state and federal healthcare issues.
Fathom - The source for online learning
Reader recommended. Fathom offers you online courses and other resources for online learning including free seminars, lectures, articles and reference from the world's most trusted sources of knowledge.
Flylady ( I used to call myself a pack rat. Now I am way past that! Me. I subscribe to this and my gosh there are a lot of e-mails in one day sent! Just so you know!)
Recommended by readers for readers who need to get organized around the house and get rid of clutter. Very funny and useful.
GetHuman - Reach a real, live person
Brand new as of Feb. 2006. Offers a cheat sheet of hundreds of ways to escape phone-tree hell. Boasts tips on reaching operators at 300 companies.
So for more go to his site. Advocacy, humor and help for all of us, not only seniors. And if you have a joke, you know to send it to him, and you can be published in his next week of jokes! I sent him one and got tickled pink when of the many he chose to publish "Arsnic" that I got from another site, elsewhere here.
Part one in it's entirety: http://www.suddenlysenior.com/links.shtml#Anchor-45889
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Send them any thing you like!
Carolyn Kaiser carolyn@suddenlysenior.com
Frank Kaiser frank@suddenlysenior.com
http://www.suddenlysenior.com/Suddenly Senior™ is the nationally syndicated column enjoyed by 2.03 million Americans over 50 who've become senior before their time.