I was drawn back to
Festival Of The Dead where there is
Shawn's Bio and a link to his site that I had not known about.
Witches of Salem Where there is a most beautiful writing about him by Christian Day. His cat Ka was very ill and was buried with Shawn. Now that is a familiar! A wonderful bond not to be broken and pass through the Door of Death at the same time, to be together for Eternity. And Christian writes that our loved ones who pass become our spirit guides. For what they lived and taught, it is profound that they are blessed with the way they lived they follow with Shawn leaving. I hope you are touched by these writings.
My Musings: As you may know I have my Granma with me more after her leaving Earth and I refuse to be put on mundane pills that cause me to loose that connection. I was blessed in finding that the ancient beliefs are not gone and forgotten. That with our Pagan Community I found I am not crazy, but blessed with her guidance. As we need to have an open mind to believe and accept that they can communicate with us! I find that with our familars in the here and now, too. I sent a loved familiar away when I was a child who came back but I told him he was Dead, I was not seeing him! And then he was never heard from again. What did I know? I was not taught such things. I am never sending Spirits away ever again! And last year when I was brought back from Death, I spent nearly a year feeling I had been brought from where I most wanted to be! I had released my bond to this Material Universe and was accepting in my destiny. There was no pain or fear. I woke 7 hours later confused and disappointed! I had asked for counceling for what now? But I realized what my reason for being brought back was for. And I await with paitence for what is to come. I have joy in my life again, as the time will come when Our Blessed Mother is ready for me!
From what I am told recently, my parents also found that to be true. As they left peacefully. My sister said Mom obviously was with loved ones from the other side, she expressed what she could not in her life with us, how much we were loved in her last breaths. And Dad had his last breath like a sigh. No gasp for more.
Imagine how many people cannot bear the heartbreak of being seperated after 55 years together that they join them so shortly to be back together. My father had sealed his fate at the funeral saying he could not live without her. And no matter how my siblings thought they could change the course, he left within two months.As my friend taught me, do not grieve, it is all good here or there as he has been brought back several times. We are blessed with now. We don't know what is in the next hour so living in the moment really is the only thing we can do. Don't leave anything left unsaid. Tell your loved ones you appreciate and love them to Death.
Bright Blessing Be, Lady Irene
Sad news to share. Rest In Peace Shawn Poirier |
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:48 am
Their Salem Witch's Ball was one of the things I had hoped to enjoy!
They really put all their efforts into it being wonderful.
I found the bio's of these two very interesting...
I am sorry that this will not be the same.
I recently got another passing notice from another spiritual leader of a site I like and his partner wrote a most beautiful account of his passing and how they celebrated his life. They did what my
[Grandma said she wanted, had a party where they enjoyed the memory of their loved one! As they put the wreaths of flowers and his ashes in the water, dolphins swam with them! It made me cry it was so beautiful that they can rejoice!]
In Memory - Shawn Poirier by Christian Day
Greetings from Salem,
It is with great sadness that I share the news that Shawn Poirier, my friend and business partner, passed away peacefully in his sleep in the early morning hours of Sunday, March 18th, 2007. We ask for energy, prayers, and well-wishes that he has a safe journey into the
next world. I was in New Orleans with Bloody Mary when it happened, where we went to the altars set out for Saint Joseph's Day. Saint Joseph is the patron saint of happy deaths, so we welcomed those energies for Shawn's journey. In New Orleans, the magic of Catholicism, Voodoo, Witchcraft, Strega, and Native spirituality are all blended into a veritable Gumbo of power and we drew from that spirit of place for strength for Shawn and those he left behind.
Shawn is the most magical person I've ever known. For those whose lives he touched, I say blessings to you, and know that his spirit will always be with you. The energy of a place becomes a composite of all the lives who have touched it and the powerful spirits become the Loa or spirit of that place. It is in this way that Shawn will always be part of the magic of Salem, ready to lend his power to those in need. ... (Funeral details and more info)
Staff Note: Wren and I always loved Shawn, even when we weren't supposed to - Truly a wonderful and magickal man, and one of the best psychics we've ever met. We have opened the comment option on Wren's Nest for remembrances - Fritz
Witchvox Chapter: Wren's Nest News
http://witchvox.com/ &
http://www.witchvox.com/wren/wn_detail.html?id=17515Article: 17515 [Obituary] Date Posted: 3/20/2007 7:09:49 pm EST
Wvox Stats Views: 8,540 RSS: 12,555
I got this Memorial Service Notice for April 18th for Shawn
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:21 am
news13@festivalofthedead.comSubject: Memorial Service for Shawn Poirier
It is with great sadness that I share the news that Shawn Poirier, my friend and business partner, passed away peacefully in his sleep in the early morning hours of Sunday, March 18th, 2007. A memorial service will be held on Friday, April 13 from 7PM - 10PM at Salem's
Old Town Hall, 32 Derby Square, Salem for all those who honor Shawn in his life and in death. A Funeral Ritual will take place at 8pm sharp, at which time the doors will be closed and no one will be admitted.
Blessings from Salem
Christian Day
http://www.festivalofthedead.com/First Post at Witch Vox Shawn Poirer by Festival of the Dead [Wvox Sponsor] [1,343 reads]
Greetings from Salem,It is with great sadness that I share the news that Shawn Poirier, my friend and business partner, passed away peacefully in his sleep in the early morning hours of Sunday, March 18th, 2007. We ask for energy, prayers, and well-wishes that he has a
safe journey into the ... [more]
http://www.witchvox.com/va/dt_va.html?a=usma&c=passages&id=11655DRESS: In respect for Shawn, his family requests that those of you who have them come in your most Witchy blacks and pointy hats. Both family and friends agree that this is what Shawn would have wanted. [This is the post 3/18, I liked the request for the dress! Please ignore the comments made. They criticized the writing style. I don't think that is what is important. And argued about Degrees of title.. I didn't get it. As this is an important passing in our community.
Since I liked their site.. I meant to send this with the 1st notice. ]
The Official Salem Witches' Halloween Ball 2007!
Join the Witches of Salem for a night of reveling and cavorting with the spirits at the World's most exclusive Halloween event!
www.festivalofthedead.com/witchesball/7pm – 11pm, Saturday, October 27, 2007 at a Secret Downtown Venue
Join Salem Witch elder and high priestess Sandra Mariah Power as you draw on the magic of Salem, the power of Witchcraft, and the strength in numbers, and take action to create the life you have dreamed of having! Undergo a transformative ritual "death" to surrender that which you choose to eliminate for your greater good. Experience an awakening of your true self and celebrate the renewal of your spirit.
Break Bad Habits. Harness Your Will. Change Your Life. Manifest Your Dreams
As the days grow shorter and colder, we begin to ready ourselves for the coming of winter as our ancestors did centuries ago. This preparation includes leaving behind anything that no longer benefits us. You may feel that you need to let go of something, give yourself closure, or a fresh start. Slay your inner demons, release your past, embrace resurrection!
http://www.festivalofthedead.com/deathandrebirth.htmlAbout Sandra:
http://www.festivalofthedead.com/bio_sandra.htmlChirstian Day Witch Christian Day , and is co-author with Christian of both Saken Tarot and Salem Witch.
Chirstian Day: Witch Christian Day, and is co-author with Christian of both Saken Tarot and Salem Witch.
http://www.festivalofthedead.com/bio_christian.htmlChristian is a Salem Witch, an elder of Salem's Coven of the Raven Moon, and the co-founder of Salem's annual Festival of the Dead with fellow Salem Witch Shawn Poirier. He and Shawn created the Festival as a means of gathering like-minded people to explore the spectre of
death in all his many guises. While Death is not always pretty, there is a deeply spiritual side to it that guides Christian through each day, helping him to see the inner beauty and wisdom within all things. The dead surround us always and whisper their secrets to those who can listen.
As co-founder of Salem's annual Festival of the Dead, Christian co-hosts The Haunted Crypt of Spirit Boards, The Dumb Supper, The Annual Psychic Fair and Witchcraft Expo, and The Official Salem Witches' Halloween Ball.
Shawn Poirier - We apologize, but the page you are looking for is no longer on our site. Please select from one of the navigation bar to your left to choose your destination. Blessings from Salem, Shawn and Christian
[That is sad! The link for Shawn Poirier is not vailable. I thought he was interesting of how he was raised with being allowed to pursue his talents and interests. He was a witch from the time he was born. (I believe, if not before)]