cc` !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> My Dragon's Lair Sharing is the reason for my being...: January 2007

My Dragon's Lair Sharing is the reason for my being...

Altered and added new content 10-4-07 Important 5-4-07 No longer Child safe because of the links inside sites included here. Adult Humor is posted here. Template errors still. E shows wrong, and Netscape shows mostly correct. Activly learning HTML to correct and improve. Be it fun or serious I hope you enjoy and take away with you what I find to share. LI

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Suddenly Senior with Frank & Carolyn for the week of Jan 14 for

Frank Kaiser Light, knowing voice reporting from the front lines of geezerdom.
Category: Humor > Columns and Columnists

Got a favorite joke? Share it with us.

For all of you with any money left, be aware of the next expected mergers so that you can get in on the ground floor and make some BIG bucks.
Hale Business Systems, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Fuller Brush, and W.R. Grace Co. will merge and become: Hale, Mary, Fuller, Grace.
Polygram Records, Warner Bros., and Zesta Crackers join forces and become: Poly, Warner Cracker.3M will merge with Goodyear and become: MMMGood.
Zippo Manufacturing, Audi Motors, Dofasco, and Dakota Mining will merge and become: ZipAudiDoDa.FedEx is expected to join its major competitor, UPS, and become: FedUP.
Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers will become: Fairwell Honeychild.
Grey Poupon and Docker Pants are expected to become: Poupon Pants.
Knotts Berry Farm and the National Organization of Women willbecome: Knott NOW!Victoria's Secret and Smith & Wesson will merge under the new name: Titty Titty Bang Bang!
Too many freaks, not enough circuses.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill today because they pissed me off.
And also, help me to be careful of the toes I step on today as they may be connected to the ass that I may have to kiss tomorrow.
Help me to always give 100% at work.12% on Monday,23% on Tuesday,40% on Wednesday20% on Thursday,5% on Fridays
Help me to remember.....When I'm having a really bad day and it seems that people are trying to piss me off, that it takes 42 muscles to frown and only 4 to extend my middle finger and tell them to bite me.

If I throw a stick, will you leave?

Carol and Donna, both blond, were doing some carpentry work on a Habitat for Humanity house. Carol, who was nailing down house siding, would reach into her nail pouch, pull out a nail and either toss it over her shoulder or nail it in.Donna, figuring this was worth looking into, asked, "Why are you throwing those nails away?" Carol explained, "When I pull a nail out of my pouch, about half of them have the head on the wrong end and I throw them away."Donna got completely upset and yelled, "You moron! Those nails aren't defective! They're for the other side of the house!"

What ever kind of look you were going for, you missed.

Read This Week’s Suddenly Senior here.

SUBSCRIBE TO SUDDENLY SENIOR!FREE! Join 26,000 of the most intelligent people on earth getting Suddenly Senior™ and Week's Best Jokes™ free by email. CLICK HERE!

It's not the size that counts, it's the,umm, actually, it is the size.

Susie is walking around in a supermarket calling out, "Crisco, Crisssssssco!" Soon a store clerk approaches and says, "Lady, the Crisco is in aisle D." Susie replies, "Oh, I'm not looking for the cooking stuff. I'm calling my husband." The clerk is astonished. "Your husband's name is Crisco?"
Susie answers, "Oh no, no, no. I only call him that when we're out in public." "I see," said the clerk. "What do you call him at home?" Susie smiles and says, “Lard ass."

Over self-confidence is equal to being blind.


Officer O’Riley stops a car for traveling faster than the posted speed limit. The officer asks the man his name."Fred," he replies.
"Fred what?" the officer asks. "Just Fred," the man responds.Officer O’Riley is in a good mood and thinks he might just give the fellow a break and write him out a warning instead of a ticket, but continues to press Fred for the last name.
Fred tells him that he used to have a last name but lost it.O’Riley thinks that he has a nut case on his hands but plays along with it. "Tell me, Fred, how did you lose your last name?"Fred replies, "It's a long story, so stay with me.""I was born Fred Dingaling. I know—a funny last name. Kids used to tease me all the time.
So I stayed to myself, studied hard, and got good grades. When I got older I realized that I wanted to be a doctor. I went through college, medical school, internship, residency, and finally got my degree, so I was Fred Dingaling, MD.“"After a while I got bored being a doctor, so I decided to go back to school. Dentistry was my dream! Got all the way through school, got my degree, so then I was Fred Dingaling, MD, DDS.“"Got bored doing dentistry, so I started fooling around with my assistant and she gave me VD.
So now I was Fred Dingaling, MD, DDS, with VD.“
‘Well, the ADA found out about the VD, so they took away my DDS. Then I was Fred Dingaling, MD with VD.“
“Then the AMA found out about the ADA taking away my DDS because of the VD, so they took away my MD leaving me as Fred Dingaling with VD.““Then the VD took away my Dingaling, so now I am Just Fred. "There was no ticket issued, as Officer O’Riley figured Fred had suffered enough.

I am doing my best to imagine you with a personality.

"if you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning."
RELIGION; "You better pray that comes out of the carpet."
TIME TRAVEL; "If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week."
LOGIC; "Because I said so, thats why!"
MORE LOGIC; "If you fall off that swing and break your neck, you‘re not going to the store with me."
FORESIGHT; "Make sure you wear clean underwear, just in case you are in an accident."
IRONY; "Keep crying and I'll give you something to cry about." OSMOSIS; "Shut your mouth and eat your supper."
CONTORTIONISM; "Will you look at that dirt in the back of your neck."
STAMINA; "You sit there 'till all that spinach is gone."
WEATHER; "This room of yours looks like a tornado just went through it."
HYPOCRISY; "I've told you once, I've told you a million times. Don't exaggerate!"
CIRCLE OF LIFE; "I brought you into this world, I can take you out."
BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION; "Stop acting like your father."
ENVY; "There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do."
ANTICIPATION; "Just wait until we get home."
MEDICAL SCIENCE; "If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they're going to freeze like that."
ESP; "Put your sweater on. Don't you think I know when you‘re cold?"
HUMOR; "When the lawn mower cuts your toes off, don't come running to me."
GENETICS; "You‘re just like your father."
WISDOM; "When you get to be my age, you'll understand." }
JUSTICE; "One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you!"

If I want to hear the patter of little feet, I'll put shoes on my cat

Bill Gates called the Vatican and asked, "May I speak to the head hog at the trough?"Sister Mary Margaret thought she heard what he said, but said, "I'm sorry, who?"Bill repeated, "Can I speak to the head hog at the trough?"She said, "Well, if you mean the Pope, then you may refer to him as “His Holiness“, but I prefer that you not refer to him as the 'head hog at the trough'!"Bill Gates replied, "Well, I was planning on giving $100,000,00 to the building fund...."To this the good Sister quickly responded "Hang on, I think the big fat pig just walked in!"

I'm not your type. I'm not inflatable.

What if all these famous folks were Jewish?

Hugs, Carolyn
Carolyn Kaiser
Frank Kaiser Suddenly Senior — the internationally syndicated column read by 2.3 million bright folks over 50 in 131 countries all of whom have become senior way before their time.
[Only took out one. For more than jokes see all they have to make your life more enjoyable. Fan for a time in a big way!]

Friday, January 19, 2007

The beauty of Dragons on Blog Adorn

Having trouble of my own getting to get these great pictures created to show here. So I have left the links for the artists. Perhaps it will work for you, as I have found other html here and used it previously.

Used with permission from the artist Dee Dreslough per specified Copyright Guidelines.
Free art to use:
A yes, the balance using the dragons are here.
My "Real" Paintings - Digital Scans of several of my works in traditional media.

Black and White GalleryHelp this gallery! Click here to find out more.
All images are free for use to any kind of website. Color 'Em In! Enjoy! All images are copyright 1998 (c) Dee Dreslough.
This pages are huge. Please be patient!
Other Permissable Possible Uses: Rubber stamps, textile/needlework patters and quilting, stationery, cd-rom art collections, web decorations, coloring in. Do not use these for trademarkable logos - you can't defend them as a corporate identity piece.
If you want to help Dee,add a link to her gallery from your webpages.
By Topic:
Dragons (Classic 'Earth' Dragons)
Equines (Unicorns, Pegasi, etc)
Dimar (fur-bearing dragons)
Gryphons and Winged Cats
Cats and Dogs
Holiday Themes
Misc Humans and Human Like Creatures
All art and text (c) 1996-2004 Dee Dreslough unless otherwise noted.Please read and understand my Terms of Use for the artwork.

I a n D a n i e l s
Art Gallery & Illustration
Visit the artist's Website to see more great work! [Full note by Blog Adorn included below.]
Used with permission from the artist Ian Daniels per specified Copyright Guidelines.

Visit the artist's Website to see more great work!
Used with permission from the artist Katherine Dinger per specified Copyright Guidelines.
I didn't find the hosted art of dragons here. This is from her blog & gallery:

[These artists] This artist is kind enough to allow this work to be displayed on your page as long as the guidelines are followed. For this reason, you will be in violation if you edit the code provided to remove the hyperlinks to the artist's website, or if you download and alter the art in any way unless a link to pre-determined Copyright Guidelines has been provided above that allow usage which meet your needs. If such copyright guidelines are not available, you may contact the artist via the provided website link to ask for permission. BlogAdorn is not authorized to grant usage rights. Please do not contact us for this purpose. Thanks! Note from BlogAdorn [I didn't notice a problem. Perhaps it is fixed?] I am having issues with full-page ads being displayed repeatedly when browsing BlogAdorn. They are not supposed to do this. Please bear with me while I work with my advertising company to resolve this issue. In the meantime, if you continue to browse for a few pages, the ads will stop occuring after 3 or 4 ads and you will be able to browse normally.

This Blog has been updated to new system for Blogger.

We're out of beta! See what's new
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My Dragon's Lair Sharing is the reason for my being... View Blog
191 Posts, last published on Jan 19, 2007

Blogger Custom Domains
The new version of Blogger now supports using a custom domain for serving your blog. If you already own a domain named, say, and want your blog to be served at that address instead of at a address, we can host your blog on that domain for you — for free. Your old Blog*Spot address will forward to your new custom domain, so the switch will be seamless for your readers.Of course, FTP publishing is still available if you'd like to do your own hosting, but using a custom domain gives you a ton of advantages:
Simpler to set up. You don’t have to muck around with FTP paths and file names.
Fast publishing. There’s no waiting for files to upload to a hosting provider.
Drag-and-drop template editing. You can use the new Blogger’s new template features.
Access control. If you'd like, only let people you choose read your blog.Using Blogger's custom domains is a simple way to start serving your blog on your own domain without having to deal with the hassle of transferring the files to a separate web host.
— Lexi Baugher [1/5/07 11:30 AM]
The New Version of Blogger
The new version of Blogger in beta is dead!Long live the new version of Blogger!(P.S. The old version of Blogger is not dead, but it would like to retire for a little while... maybe go to Hawaii or play World of Warcraft all day? It begs you to let it play World of Warcraft all day.)I am overjoyed to announce that today we have o’ficially graduated the new version of Blogger from “in beta” to “.” Why is this significant? Allow me to explain via analogy:
Battlestar Galactica with Lorne Greene : Battlestar Galactica with Edward James Olmos :: Old Blogger : New Blogger
The new version of Blogger is metaphorically bursting with features, from the big guns like drag-and-drop template editing and post labels (which are perfect, by the way, for indexing the 131 historical figures you may have written about), to little polishes like a better-designed Dashboard or that you no longer need to solve a word verification CAPTCHA to post a comment on your own blog.
We’re excited about the new version of Blogger, both for what it can do now (which also includes access control for blogs and better input fields for post dates) and what we’ll add to it in the future, now that we have a new, stable, powerful infrastructure to work with. We’re done with “beta,” but we’re far from done with the new Blogger.
It’ll still take a bit more transition time to move everyone from the old version to the new, so for now we ask on our homepage which version of Blogger you use. If you’ve been using the beta, either because you switched or because you created your account after 10 November 2006, click “New Blogger” and sign in with your Google Account.
If you haven’t yet switched, click “Old Blogger” and use the same Blogger account you’ve always used, or — and this is the better choice — click “Switch Now” button. After you sign in with or sign up for a Google Account (free!), you’ll be switched over to the new Blogger, which is both reassuringly the same (your blogs will keep the same URLs, and your templates and profile will be the same too) and significantly better (see above sampling of new features and comparisons to a masterful science fiction television program).
Finally, shouts out to all of the people and teams who have made this possible; the new Blogger is the combined effort of engineering, QA, support, management, product, marketing, PR, infrastructure, [music swells] design, partners, clients, users, hackers, Blog*Stars, cats, dogs, ferrets, and everyone and everything else that helped, assisted, or enabled. Thank you!
— Pete [12/19/06 5:30 PM]
Peace Corps Blogging
A fellow Googler just let us know that her friend Aaron is currently blogging his Peace Corps experience from Togo, West Africa. In his own words:
"Take a peak at the trials and tribulations of a techie in Togo at It's the stories, pictures and videos of a Peace Corps computer geek trying to spread the good news of computers in a mid-sized city in Togo, West Africa. The blog is smart and funny, and offers fun cultural insights and tidbits. From reporting on moving, cross-cultural moments to describing the big to-do when a new traffic light was installed, to up-close and personal interactions with his Togolese friends and neighbors, Aaron's blog opens a window on the society and culture in which he has immersed himself. Read about the computer center he is setting up in "Project," in which he hopes to provide affordable computer access to his community. If you like the idea, he is looking for people to help fund it."
— Eric [12/13/06 5:03 PM] More Buzz»

Reminder of Anual Events at Morikami

4000 Morikami Park Road Delray Beach, Fl 33446 561-495-0233

Annual Festivals For 2007

Oshogatsu-Japanese New Year Celebration
Includes Japan’s customary rice-pounding and making of mochi rice cakes: viewing of the sado tea ceremony, kakizome, hands-on calligraphy: nengajo, New Year's card-making: omikuji, fortune-telling: and games like hanetsuki, similar to badminton, and fukuwarai, similar to pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey. Learn More

Hatsume Fair Date: February 24 - 25, 2007 Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
2-day Admission $10 for adults $5 for children ages 7-18
FREE for museum members and children 6 and under
Celebrating the first bud of spring, The Morikami’s largest annual event, Hatsume, transforms the normally tranquil Morikami Park into a unique Japanese spring festival. Hatsume Fair features three stages with continuous entertainment including taiko drummers, a Japanese tea ceremony, flower arranging, martial art demonstrations, bonsai and orchid demonstrations, and much more. Also included are avenues of artisan booths, plant sales, Asian and American food vendors and children’s activities. Learn More
Group ticket application of 10 or more.
Advance Tickets: Adult $8.00 Child $3.00

Children’s DayPatterned after Japan’s national holiday, Kodomo-no-hi, The Morikami Children’s Day Celebration includes hands-on activities such as making a giant carp streamer; gyotaku (fish painting); Japanese toy making; hina-shikishi (doll collage); making newspaper kabuto (warriors’ helmets); and origami (paper folding). In addition, many other area cultural groups showcase their programs for children. Indoor and outdoor stages feature Japanese and American performances designed to delight all ages.
Bon Festival Inspired by Obon, Japan’s traditional three-day holiday honoring ancestors and thanking them for the quality of life enjoyed by the living, The Morikami celebrates Bon Festival in one fun-packed evening. Highlights include rousing taiko drum performances, traditional Japanese folk dancing with audience participation, ghost stories, and a street fair with games and shop stalls. The highlight of the evening begins at sunset when Morikami Pond is transformed into a tranquil sea of lighted lanterns which, in accordance with Japanese custom, guide the departure of ancestors’ souls who have come for a brief visit among the living. A special fireworks display caps the enchanting evening.
Price: Adult $10; Children $5; Members and Children under 3 - FREE.

Overview about the Museum: The Morikami exhibits display fine art and objects of everyday use representing Japan’s rich and diverse culture. Thematically organized rotating exhibitions educate the public on a wide variety of topics featuring items from private collectors and other museums. The Permanent Collection Gallery displays recent acquisitions and outstanding examples from the 5,000-piece collection. Other exhibits highlight various aspects of Japanese culture on an ongoing basis and cover such topics as Japanese gardens, tea ceremony utensils and samurai armor. The Yamato-kan features a permanent exhibition.

Visit Exhibits Collections Gardens Calendar of Events Education Join Get Involved Facility Rental News

See The Gipsy Kings in Feb and Wicked in March.

UPDATE: I am checking on this as someone has suggested these might be resell tickets. And I am not sure about the Gipsy Kings in Westbury as I believed they were canceled. And I have something to say to Spiritair if this is so. 5% off of something that doesn't exist is nothing.

Spirit Air has a 5% discount on tickets!
Ziff Opera House Carnival Center For The Performing Arts
1300 Biscayne Blvd Miami, FL 33132
Found on City Schedule of Performances: ...
Original Page (Going to A. P.R. notice)

Get Tickets Here! Get tickets to all your favorite sporting events, concerts, Broadway shows, and more! Now until March 31st, 2007, use this Discount Code for 5% off your ticket purchase: spirit1. Search now!

Gipsy Kings
Mizner Park AmphitheaterBoca Raton, FL
Friday 2/9/2007 8:00 PM
Gipsy Kings
Carol Morsani Hall - Tampa Bay Performing Arts CenterTampa, FL
Saturday 2/10/2007 8:00 PM

Gipsy Kings
North Fork Theater at WestburyWestbury, NY
Friday 2/23/2007 8:00 PM
Says has 4 tickets but I thought this show was cancled.
North Fork Theater at WestburyWestbury, NY
Fri, Feb 23 20078:00 PM click to seevenue map
The following sets of tickets are available for Gipsy Kings. To sort the list, click the column header. To purchase tickets from a set, click the purchase link in that row.
All prices are PER TICKET and shown in US dollars. = Web Specials
Section and Row . Our Price . Available
Section: ORCH A . Row: J . 9th row . $115.00 . 42 purchasetickets
Gipsy Kings
Radio City Music HallNew York, NY
Saturday 2/24/2007 8:00 PM
Gipsy Kings
Radio City Music HallNew York, NY
Saturday 2/24/2007 8:00 PM viewtickets
Radio City Music HallNew York, NY
Sat, Feb 24 20078:00 PMclick to seevenue map
The following sets of tickets are available for Gipsy Kings. To sort the list, click the column header. To purchase tickets from a set, click the purchase link in that row.
All prices are PER TICKET and shown in US dollars.

Ziff Opera House Carnival Center For The Performing Arts
1300 Biscayne Blvd Miami, FL 33132
Found on City Schedule of Performances: ...
Original Page

Get Tickets Here! Get tickets to all your favorite sporting events, concerts, Broadway shows, and more! Now until March 31st, 2007, use this Discount Code for 5% off your ticket purchase: spirit1. Search now!

Ziff Opera House Carnival Center For The Performing Arts has the following events taking place at the following dates and times. To sort the list, click on the column header. To find tickets for the given event, date & time, click the tickets link in that row.
Event . Venue . Date/Time Availability
You can see all. These are only the first and last shows.
Ziff Opera House Carnival Center For The Performing Arts
Miami, FL
Wednesday 3/14/2007 8:00 PM viewtickets

Ziff Opera House Carnival Center For The Performing Arts
Miami, FL
Sunday 3/25/2007 2:00 PM viewtickets

Celtic Author and Muscian R.J. Stewart in So FL Feb.

In February Celtic Author and Muscian R.J. Stewart will be in Delray Beach and he will be in concert at Moonpath!

I didn't find the January Local Brief Page 10 I was looking for so I am typing what it says.
If you find spelling errors that Word didn’t catch, I tried the best I could finding reading small print difficult.

Celtic teacher R.J. Stewart in Delray Beach

Scottish born Robert John Stewart, author of over 40 books, composer, musician and Western Esoteric practitioner, is coming in February 9-11 to teach a seminar from the Inner Temple tradition, "Working at the Crossroads".

His writings and teachings dive deeply into Celtic mythological traditions - an ancestral lands oriented spiritual path, and offer unique programs for transforming awareness and spiritual vision.

The Crossroads in traditionally used for meeting the ancestors and the spiritual forces of our living planet. One is able to discover the Crossroads, not as some imaginary exercise, but as a potent reality into which one enters.

When at the Crossroads, the transactions involve the presence of , and communion with, spirit beings. These take many forms: the gin loci, traditional allies cousins and co-walkers of the faery realm, the ancestors, the older gods and goddesses, the titan or giants that embody the consciousness and energy of vast geomantic or telluric zones. Embodied in myth and legend, these beings represented beings the living spiritual forces of our planet Earth.

As any manifest crossroads is an embodiment on the Earth of the Four Directions of East, South, West and North, the spiritual crossroads in an embodiment of directions of cons consciousness. At the Crossroads, one encounters spiritual insight and is changed thereby.

For more info, email Ana at
or call 651.27.4046 or 877.925.3497

Anal Seib is an intuitive and Reiki Master Teacher, Tangerine Health, Training in Rebirthing, Cranial-Sacral, Touch for Health, (free trial session). See ad page 20. (Below)
Soothe … Relax… Energize
Healing Arts
Imperial Point Medical Center
Experience a total integration of the body, mind and spirit
Our services complement conventional and traditional approaches to health and healing.

A “Menu” of Therapeutic Massages
Reiki Healing and Healing Touch
Free Ongoing Mediation Classes
Pranic Healing
Wellness Center Membership and Nutritional Counseling
Experiential programs and Workshops
Yoga, Tai Chi, Core-Lates & Chair Yoga

January Workshops
“The Last Food Resolution: It’s not a Diet Passed
“Weight Management with Hypnosis, Level 1 Wed Jan 24 6:30-8:30
“Ongoing- Reiki Circle Every Wednesday at 7:00 pm

For more information call 954.776.8748

Visit our website
Healing Arts, Imperial Point Medical Center, Well Heath Wing,
6401 N. Federal Hwy, Ft Lauderdale, 33308
Licensed Massage Therapist
A facility of the North Broward Hospital District.

From Moonpath shared by Sophia.
R J Stewart Concert February 9, 2007
The public is invited to attend a R J Stewart Concert
7:30 PM, Friday, February 9, 2007
The R J Stewart Concert is sponsered by Moon Path Circle, Inc. and hosted by the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ft Lauderdale,
3970 NW 21st Avenue (between Commercial and Oakland Park),
Oakland Park, FL 33309. 954-484-6734

7:30 PM, Friday, February 9, 2007

$20 per person for an An evening of music (accoustic) and stories.

RJ Stewart performs traditional British folk music, medieval music, and his own compositions, playing guitar, cittern, and the unique 70-stringed psaltery.

For more Information call: Ken 561-542-3198

Robert John (R J) Stewart was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. His father came from a Gaelic speaking family originally from the Western Highlands. His mother was Welsh, from a Welsh speaking family from the Gower Peninsula in South Wales, with a tradition of singing and playing the Welsh triple-harp. He is known today as a composer, author, and teacher.

He wrote a series of books on Celtic mythology, two books on music and consciousness, edited two editions of historical texts from the 16th and 17th centuries, and published many original stories in anthologies, and in his own books.

R J Stewart's series of books with the Merlin tradition, the Underworld and Faery traditions have encouraged many people worldwide to work with these ancestral land-oriented spiritual paths.

In 1996 R. J. was admitted to the USA as "resident alien of extraordinary ability", a category awarded only to immigrants of outstanding achievement in the arts or sciences. He now lives in Northern California and in Maryland.

For more info on RJ Stewart

Visit the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ft Lauderdale website for details on other Unitarian Universalist Church of Ft Lauderdale activities.

Vote to impeach Bush
Goddess Love and Blessings :))

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Mark your calendars : An Irish Evening

On Stage in Sunrise ::: The 3 Jacks Saturday, March 10, at 8:00 p.m. Tickets: $12 adult, $10 student, $7 child
Get a jump on your St. Patrick's Day celebration! The 3 Jacks - Irish through and through! - will rouse you with wild rhythms, lifting ballads and favorite pub tunes.
Theatre & Amphitheatre, 10610 West Oakland Park Boulevard, Sunrise, 33351 (954) 747-4646 (Box Office)
Location: The Civic Center Complex is on the south side of Oakland Park Boulevard, just west of Nob Hill Road and behind the Dan Pearl Library. [On the left from University Drive heading West. There is an enterance before the large fountain. If you go past that you have passed it. :-) ]Link available online.
Hours: The Civic Center Box Office is open Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., and one hour before shows. Ticket prices vary by performance.
At the bottom "For more information on upcoming shows, view the complete Sunrise Civic Center Theatre Guide". Here you'll find a red curtain that will open, with working piano keys on the bottom, for four months of programs. You can call and have will call or have your tickets mailed to you. I think there is a time delay for checks to clear. If you truly want to see something I would not gamble getting tickets at the window an hour before the show. People have been greatly disappointed. They have a mailing list so you can be advised of other events. Hope you get to enjoy!


-=-=-Thanks to a friend I have this one. -=-=-

There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.

Well," she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today?" So she did and she had a wonderful day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw she had only two hairs on her head. "Hmm," she said, "I think I'll part my hair down the middle today?" So she did and she had a grand day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed she had only one hair on her head. "Well," she said, "today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail." So she did and she had a fun, fun day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head. "YEA!" she exclaimed, "I don't have to fix my hair today!"

Attitude is everything.

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly.......

Leave the rest to God.

With love Happy New Year & Best to you in 2007!
myspace icons

Friday, January 12, 2007

Night at the Museum & other movies I'd like to see.

If I get to it/remember to do so, I'll try to find more on these movies, but since this linked to my Yahoo I took out the live links. Have fun searching for more on: Movie Info - Showtimes -Trailers & Clips - Critics Reviews

Night at the Museum
A hapless security guard (Ben Stiller) triggers an ancient curse that brings the Museum of Natural History's crazy exhibits to life.
The Good German
George Clooney and Cate Blanchett star in a romantic World War II drama about a reporter who gets tangled in a murder mystery.
Charlotte's Web
E.B. White's beloved children's tale about an unlikely friendship between a pig named Wilbur and a spider named Charlotte.

ERAGON is here!

If I get to it/remember to do so, I'll try to find more on this movie, but since this linked to my Yahoo I took out the live links. Have fun searching for more on: Movie Info - Showtimes -Trailers & Clips - Critics Reviews
Watch the Trailer

A young boy named Eragon is thrust into an incredible world of magic, power and dragons. Based on the bestselling book series.
A boy named Eragon finds a polished blue stone in the forest. At first, he thinks it's a lucky discovery, something that will bring meat to his poor family for the winter. Instead, it brings a dragon hatchling, and Eragon is soon thrust into a world of magic and power through which he and the dragon must navigate.
Genres: Drama, Kids/Family, Science Fiction/Fantasy and Adaptation
Release Date: December 15th, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating:
PG for fantasy violence, intense battle sequences and some frightening images.
Distributors: 20th Century Fox Distribution
See Full Details - Cast and Credits
Edward Speleers, Jeremy Irons, John Malkovich, Djimon Hounsou, Sienna Guillory
Directed by: Stefan Fangmeier
Produced by: John Davis, Wyck Godfrey, Gil Netter
See Full Cast and Credits
Production Photos View All (29) Production Photos...
_____ _____ _____ _____

Okay, I know it has been out a month, but I have been a little preoccupied! Release Date: December 15th, 2006
I don't care what negative reviews people have for this movie. Dragons are a fav and they put a lot into this movie. And to me all is good when I can see a Dragon! And this is, as you know, a trilogy! Yes!
So if I get to see it in the theater, I will be happy. If not I will surely have the DVD when it is available.
More to come, or more is already here. Will have to check if I dropped my extensive information that I found on it in this...

522 Years of history, Tower of London guarded 1st time by woman

History made : News in Yahoo. Woman to guard Tower of London
Jan 12, 2007
First female beefeater
The Tower of London will be guarded by a woman for the first time in its history.» Meet Moira Cameron
Her background
View photos (15)
Tower of London
Travel guide
Some of these links need to be fixed.

24th Annual SF Scottish Fest Sat Jan 13, 2007

Originally sent Nov 2006 / 24th Annual SF Scottish Fest ... LI
Don't miss Jan 13th The 24th Annual Southeast Florida Scottish Fest Reminded: I looked it up & back in Nov I sent this original. Hope you enjoy! LI
I saw on the window of the 84 Diner in Davie something of interest. And upon the research I always do I found much more to enjoy too! The Scottish American Society of South Florida is an organization dedicated to the furtherance of Scottish culture through Scottish dance, music and art. We hold many events throughout the year including the Southeast Florida Scottish Festival and Games.
The 24th Annual Southeast FloridaScottish Festival & Highland Games
January 13th 2007
Ft. Lauderdale Stadium & Event
Site1301 NW 55 StreetFt. Lauderdale, FL 33309
The 24th Annual Southeast FloridaScottish Festival & Highland Games
Open 9 am - 6:30 pm$10 advance $15 at gate.
For ticket infrormation 954 460 5000
Entertainment: Hunting Mcleaod, Alex Beaton, Celtic Fire & FT Lauderdale Highlanders & more.
Tickets available till 1/2/07
Meeting Dates The next scheduled meeting is November 19, 2006 Time: 1:30 PM
The above meeting is not a regular meeting. It is for our annual games coordination.If you are interested in helping out as a volunteer or would like some insight into what it takes to put on the annual games you are encouraged to come. Our Normal Meetings are held at: The Plantation Presbyterian Church 901 NW 70 Ave, Plantation, FL 33317
For the event it is said this is the host hotel. Only $89 a nite for sassf.El Palacio Hotel 4900 Powerline Road Fort Lauderdale FL 33309For Hotel Reservations only call the hotel at 954.776.4880
Fort Lauderdale Highlanders
For Further Information Call 954-963-6258
We missed something! Oct 14, 2006 Our Season Is Here Upcoming Events-
=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-
Something more for our calendars:Tartan Day (April 6th) is a celebration of the Scottish influence and contributions around the world.
April 6th has a special significance because the Declaration of Arbroath, the Scottish Declaration of Independence, was signed on April 6, 1320. The American Declaration of Independence was modelled on that inspirational document.
Myths and LegendsLearn more about Scotland's mythical legends and characters.
Mary King's Close
Greyfriars Bobby: The World's Most Famous Scottish Terrier
I enjoyed this. Bram Stoker
Trick or Treat
St Valentine - The Scottish ConnectionSt Valentine Facts and Legends
This is written in a personal and interesting way! The Truth About Tartan
Geneology is fun. The King is Scottish - long live Elvis!
One link for cool stuff:
Another link: Home:
You can buy their music on cd's and more!
Anyone want to venture for this?Edinburgh Military Tattoo3-25 August 2007Against the majestic backdrop of Edinburgh Castle, the world-renowned Massed Pipes & Drums together with the impressive Massed Military Bands...
Here's one for my Navy Brother
Found here:

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Conscientious Rejector? First Lieutenant Watada story

This story will only be here a short time... Not forgotten in the cobwebs of my blog...Me

Conscientious Rejector?
First Lieutenant Ehren Watada still refuses Iraq deployment orders, calling the war illegal. A six-year prison term could result. Preliminary hearings are set for Thursday.
Read the story: in the blog
Conscientious Rejector?
First Lieutenant Ehren Watada still refuses Iraq deployment orders, calling the war illegal. A six-year prison term could result. Preliminary hearings are set for Thursday.
By the Hot Zone Team, Tue Jan 2, 6:38 PM ET
First Lt. Ehren Watada, a 28-year-old Hawaii native, is the first commissioned officer in the U.S. to publicly refuse deployment to
Iraq. He announced last June his decision not to deploy on the grounds the war is illegal.
Lt. Watada was based at Fort Lewis, Washington, with the Army's 3rd (Stryker) Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division. He has remained on base, thus avoiding charges of desertion.
He does, however, face one count of "missing troop movement" and four counts of "conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman." If convicted, he faces up to six years in prison.

First Lt. Ehren WatadaPhoto courtesy: Jeff Paterson/
Watada's court martial is on February 5. A pre-trial hearing is set for January 4, with an added scope of controversy: the Army has ordered two freelance journalists, Sarah Olson and Dahr Jamail, to testify against Lt. Watada at the hearing. Both journalists are fighting the subpoenas.
Kevin Sites recently spoke with Lt. Watada about the reasoning behind his decision, the controversy the decision has caused and how he is dealing with the repercussions.
Lt. Watada spoke on the phone from his family's home in Hawaii. [Available online] to listen to the full audio version of the conversation. A transcript of the interview follows.
KEVIN SITES: Now, you joined the Army right after the US was invading Iraq and now you're refusing to go. Some critics might look at this as somewhat disingenuous. You've taken an oath, received training but now you won't fight. Can you explain your rationale behind this?
EHREN WATADA: Sure. I think that in March of 2003 when I joined up, I, like many Americans, believed the administration when they said the threat from Iraq was imminent — that there were weapons of mass destruction all throughout Iraq; that there were stockpiles of it; and because of Saddam Hussein's ties to al-Qaeda and the 9/11 terrorist acts, the threat was imminent and we needed to invade that country immediately in order to neutralize that threat.
Since then I think I, as many, many Americans are realizing, that those justifications were intentionally falsified in order to fit a policy established long before 9/11 of just toppling the Saddam Hussein regime and setting up an American presence in Iraq.
SITES: Tell me how those views evolved. How did you come to that conclusion?
WATADA: I think the facts are out there, they're not difficult to find, they just take a little bit of willingness and interest on behalf of anyone who is willing to seek out the truth and find the facts. All of it is in the mainstream media. But it is quickly buried and it is quickly hidden by other events that come and go. And all it takes is a little bit of logical reasoning. The Iraq Survey Group came out and said there were no weapons of mass destruction after 1991 and during 2003. The 9/11 Commission came out and said there were no ties with Iraq to 9/11 or al-Qaeda. The president himself came out and said that nobody in his administration ever suggested that there was a link.
And yet those ties to al-Qaeda and the weapons of mass destruction were strongly suggested. They said there was no doubt there were weapons of mass destruction all throughout 2002, 2003 and even 2004. So, they came out and they say this, and yet they say it was bad intelligence, not manipulated intelligence, that was the problem. And then you have veteran members of the CIA that come out and say, "No. It was manipulated intelligence. We told them there was no WMD. We told them there were no ties to al-Qaeda. And they said that that's not what they wanted to hear."
SITES: Do you think that you could have determined some of this information prior to joining the military — if a lot of it, as you say, was out there? There were questions going into the war whether WMD existed or not, and you seemingly accepted the administration's explanation for that. Why did you do that at that point?
WATADA: Certainly yeah, there was other information out there that I could have sought out. But I put my trust in our leaders in government.
SITES: Was there a turning point for you when you actually decided that this was definitely an illegal war?
WATADA: Certainly. I think that when we take an oath we, as soldiers and officers, swear to protect the constitution — with our lives as necessary — and those constitutional values and laws that make us free and make us a democracy. And when we have one branch of government that intentionally deceives another branch of government in order to authorize war, and intentionally deceives the people in order to gain that public support, that is a grave breach of our constitutional values, our laws, our checks and balances, and separation of power.
SITES: But Lieutenant, was there one specific incident that happened in Iraq or that the administration had said or done at a certain period that [made you say] "I have to examine this more closely"?
WATADA: No, I think that certainly as the war went on, and it was not going well, doubts came up in my mind, but at that point I still was willing to go. At one point I even volunteered to go to Iraq with any unit that was short of junior officers.
SITES: At what point was that?
WATADA: This was in September of 2005. But as soon as I found out, and as I began to read and research more and more that the administration had intentionally deceived the public and Congress over the reasons for going to Iraq, that's when I told myself "there's something wrong here."
"I saw the pain and agony etched upon the faces of all these families of lost soldiers. And I told myself that this needs to stop."— Lt. Ehren Watada
SITES: Was there any kind of personal conviction as well, I mean in terms of exposure to returning soldiers or Marines — the kinds of wounds they suffered, the kinds of stories that they were bringing back with them — did that have any kind of influence or create any factors for you in coming to this decision?
WATADA: Sure, I felt, well, in a general sense I felt that when we put our trust in the government, when we put our lives in their hands, that is a huge responsibility. And we also say that "when we put our lives in your hands, we ask that you not abuse that trust; that you not take us to war over flimsy or false reasons; that you take us to war when it is absolutely necessary." Because we have so much to lose, you know — the soldiers, our lives, our limbs, our minds and our families — that the government and the people owe that to us.
SITES: Was there a fear that played into that? Did you see returning soldiers with lost limbs? Was there a concern for you that you might lose your life going to Iraq?
WATADA: No, that had nothing to do with the issue. The issue here is that we have thousands of soldiers returning. And what is their sacrifice for? For terrorism or establishing democracy or whatever the other reasons are. And I saw the pain and agony etched upon the faces of all these families of lost soldiers. And I told myself that this needs to stop. We cannot have people in power that are irresponsible and corrupt and that keep on going that way because they're not held accountable to the people.
SITES: You know on that note, Lieutenant, let me read you something from a speech that you gave in August to the Veterans for Peace. You had said at one point, "Many have said this about the World Trade Towers: never again. I agree, never again will we allow those who threaten our way of life to reign free. Be they terrorists or elected officials. The time to fight back is now, the time to stand up and be counted is today." Who were you speaking about when you said that?
WATADA: I was speaking about everybody. The American people. That we all have that duty, that obligation, that responsibility to do something when we see our government perpetrating a crime upon the world, or even upon us. And I think that the American people have lost that, that sense of duty. There is no self-interest in this war for the vast majority of the American people. And because of that the American soldiers have suffered.
There really is a detachment from this war, and many of the American people, because there is no draft, or for whatever reason, because taxes haven't been raised, they don't have anything personally to lose or gain with this war, and so they take little interest.
President Bush and his advisers are guilty of criminal conduct in the prosecution of this war?
WATADA: That's not something for me to determine. I think it's for the newly-elected congress to determine during the investigations that they should hold over this war, and pre-war intelligence.
SITES: But in some ways you have determined that. You're saying this is an illegal war, and an illegal act usually takes prosecution by someone with criminal intent. Is that correct?
WATADA: Right, and they have taken me to court with that, but they have refused — or it will be very unlikely that the prosecution in the military court will allow me to bring in evidence and witnesses to testify on my behalf that the war is illegal. So therefore it becomes the responsibility of Congress, since the military is refusing to do that. It becomes the responsibility of Congress to hold our elected leaders accountable.
SITES: Now this is the same Congress though that in a lot of ways voted for this war initially. Do you think that they're going to turn around and in some ways say that they were wrong? And hold hearings to determine exactly that, that they made a mistake as well? It seems like a long shot.
WATADA: Right, well I think some in Congress are willing to do that, and some aren't. And that's the struggle, and that's the fight that's going to occur over the next year.
Lt. Watada with his mother, Carolyn Ho, and father, Robert WatadaPhoto courtesy:Jeff Paterson/
SITES: Let me ask you why you decided to go to the press with this. In this particular case you're the first officer — there may have been other officers that have refused these orders, but you're the first one to really do this publicly. Why did you do that?
WATADA: Because I wanted to explain to the American people why I was taking the stand I was taking — that it wasn't for selfish reasons, it wasn't for cowardly reasons.
You know, I think the most important reason here is to raise awareness among the American people that hey — there's a war going on, and American soldiers are dying every day. Hundreds of Iraqis are dying every day. You need to take interest, and ask yourself where you stand, and what you're willing to do, to end this war, if you do believe that it's wrong — that it's illegal, and immoral. And I think I have accomplished that. Many, many people come up to me and say, "because of you, I have taken an active interest in what's going on over in Iraq."
And also, you know, [I want to] give a little hope and inspiration back to a lot of people. For a long time I was really without hope, thinking that there was nothing I could do about something that I saw, that was so wrong, and so tragic. And I think a lot of people who have been trying to end this war felt the same way — that there was just nothing that they could do. And I think by taking my stand publicly, and stating my beliefs and standing on those beliefs, a lot of people have taken encouragement from that.
SITES: You've said that you had a responsibility to your own conscience in this particular situation. Did you also have a responsibility to your unit as well? I just want to read you a quote from Veterans of Foreign Wars communications director Jerry Newbury. He said "[Lt. Watada] has an obligation to fulfill, and it's not up to the individual officer to decide when he's going to deploy or not deploy. Some other officer will have to go in his place. He needs to think about that." Can you react to that quote?
WATADA: You know, what I'm doing is for the soldiers. I'm trying to end something that is criminal, something that should not have been started in the first place and something that is making America less safe — and that is the Iraq war. By just going there and being willing to participate, and doing my job, or whatever I'm told to do — which actually exacerbates the situation and makes it worse — I would not be serving the best interest of this country, nor the soldiers that I'm serving with. What I'm trying to do is end something, as I said, that's illegal, and immoral, so that all the soldiers can come home and this tragedy can come to an end.
It seems like people and critics make this distinction between an order to deploy and any other order, as if the order to deploy is just something that's beyond any other order. Orders have to be determined on whether they're legal or not. And if the order to deploy to a war that is unlawful, if that is given, then that order itself is unlawful.
SITES: How did your peers and your fellow officers react to your decision?
WATADA: I know that there have been some people within the military who won't agree with my stance, and there have been a lot of members of the Army of all ranks who have agreed with what I've done. And I see it almost every other day, where someone in uniform, or a dependent, approaches me in person, or through correspondence, and thanks me for what I have done, and either supports or respects my stand.
SITES: You've remained on base, and that's been a situation that can't be too comfortable for you. Can you fill us in on what that's been like there?
WATADA: I think that for the most part, people that I interact with closely — I have been moved, I'm no longer in the 3rd Striker Brigade, I'm over in 1st Corps — treat me professionally, politely, but keep their distance. I don't think anybody wants to get involved with the position that I've taken, either way. People approach me in private and give me their support.
SITES: Tell me about the repercussions you face in this court martial.
WATADA: Well I think with the charges that have been applied to me and referred over to a general court martial, I'm facing six years maximum confinement, dishonorable discharge from the army, and loss of all pay and allowances.
STES: Are you ready to deal with all those consequences with this decision?
WATADA: Sure, and I think that's the decision that I made almost a year ago, in January, when I submitted my original letter of resignation. I knew that possibly some of the things that I stated in that letter, including my own beliefs, that there were repercussions from that. Yet I felt it was a sacrifice, and it was a necessary sacrifice, to make. And I feel the same today.
I think that there are many supporters out there who feel that I should not be made an example of, that I'm speaking out for what a lot of Americans are increasingly becoming aware of: that the war is illegal and immoral and it must be stopped. And that the military should not make an example or punish me severely for that.
SITES: Do you think that you made a mistake in joining the military? Your mother and father support you in this decision, and your father during the Vietnam War refused to go to Vietnam as well, but instead joined the Peace Corps. He went to his draft board and said, "let me join the Peace Corps and serve in Peru," which is what he did. Do you think in hindsight that that might have been a better decision for you as well?
WATADA: You know I think that John Murtha came out a few months ago in an interview and he was asked if, with all his experience, in Korea, and Vietnam, volunteering for those wars -- he was asked if he would join the military today. And he said absolutely not. And I think that with the knowledge that I have now, I agree. I would not join the military because I would be forced into a position where I would be ordered to do something that is wrong. It is illegal and immoral. And I would be put into a situation as a soldier to be abused and misused by those in power.
STIES: In your speech in front of the Veterans for Peace you said "the oath we take as soldiers swears allegiance not to one man but to a document of principles and laws designed to protect the people." Can you expand upon that a little bit — what did you mean when you said that?
WATADA: The constitution was established, and our laws are established, to protect human rights, to protect equal rights and constitutional civil liberties. And I think we have people in power who say that those laws, or those principles, do not apply to them — that they are above the law and can do whatever it takes to manipulate or create laws that enable them to do whatever they please. And that is a danger in our country, and I think the war in Iraq is just one symptom of this agenda. And I think as soldiers, as American people, we need to recognize this, and we need to put a stop to it before it's too late.

Join the discussion. Here you'll see the comments in the order they were posted. 1 - 10 of 22162
I feel that a person that has voluntarilly joined the military and now refuses to go where assigned, during a military conflict is basically a traitor/deserter in the face of the enemy and should be treated as such. I had voluntarilly joined the military (US Air Force) during the Viet Nam conflict, so I have great feelings toward this, I did not believe what was going on at that time, but I did not shirk my duty to my country and the ideas of the constitution and Declaration of Independance. That is what I was fighting for. So as far as I am concerned this person is a deserter in the face of the enemy.
Posted on Tue, Jan 2, 2007 7:32 PM ET
I think he is a coward and using this as a way to draw attention to himself.
Posted on Tue, Jan 2, 2007 7:39 PM ET
Very well spoken and well thought argument. This can't be an easy decision but I hope the court martial goes well.
Posted on Tue, Jan 2, 2007 7:53 PM ET
I spent 20 years in the army and I was in the first gulf war and I saw weapons of mass distruction and also know they are still in Iraq. The american people think that it has to be a nuclear bomb to be a weapon of mass disruction. What about all the chemical weapons still there and also buried in the desert. We are quick to judge and the media is biased they will not report a unbiased account of the issues in Iraq. 1. they are totally ignorant of the facts and only report what will get them ratings. A logical point would be that we cannot list everything that was found and if we did it would give every militant a running inventory of deadly weapons that is why we have security and top secret information that cannot be released due to national security reasons. And By the Lt is a coward and a does not deserve to be and american. I have lost many friends to the defense of our freedom. He discraces thier memory evertime he puts on the uniform.
Posted on Tue, Jan 2, 2007 7:55 PM ET
I totally agree with the first post about this. I feel that this individual is a traitor/deserter. I also voluntarily joined the military (US Army) during the Viet Nam conflict. Even though I was never deployed, I knew when I raised my hand and took the oath exactly what the meaning of it was. In my personal opinion this so called officer is a disgrace to all of the citizens of this country. I am a 100% disabled Veteran and would gladly take this little snot nosed wimp out behind the barn and show him how I feel a traitor like him should be treated. Call me a warmonger if you will, but I feel that when you raise your hand and take an oath, that you should have the intestinal fortitude to live up to what you swear or affirm. I have put most of my adult life into defending the U.S. and our way of life, and am proud of my service and thank all my fellow veterans that have served honorably. We owe our way of life, not only to the living veterans, but more importantly to our veterans that didn't come home.
Posted on Tue, Jan 2, 2007 7:56 PM ET
I support his decision. I am also curious to find out what will become of this.
Posted on Tue, Jan 2, 2007 7:56 PM ET
Commenters #1 and #2: This is precisely what would make you "good Germans" in WWII. Life is bigger than loyalty to the political regime, even if it drapes itself in the flag of the nation and says "disloyalty to us is disloyalty to the nation, and thus treason." I hope you don't ever dare criticize the conduct of German citizens and soldiers during WWII. That would be hypocrisy. By the way
Posted on Tue, Jan 2, 2007 7:58 PM ET
i think he did right thing, because if he goes he will we are sdie like other 3000 soldiers. he fear death and americans too. we fear nothing just god.
Posted on Tue, Jan 2, 2007 7:59 PM ET
Glassart, By volunteering to participate in a war you did not believe in, you shirked your duty to your country and the ideals of of the Consitution by empowering the government's actions. You basically surrendered your conscience and morals to the government. Mr. Watada joined the military to perform what he felt was his duty and obligation and upon discovering that the Executive Branch had lied to Congress and the American people (which included him) decided that he could no longer support this war. A war that he considered to be illegal. This determination of illegality occurred AFTER he had been enticed by fraudulent statements of the Executive Branch. No one in this country can be held to any contract entered into by reason of fraud. That is our law, and that is what Mr. Watada is saying occurred in this case. You cannot say that he is a traitor or a deserter. He is doing what he believes fulfills his oath to "uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America" and he has not deserted from the Army. Mr. Watada is an American of the highest caliber, one who is willing to sacrifice in the name of America and what it means. I, for one, wish that I could say the same about our current Administration and the past Congress.
Posted on Tue, Jan 2, 2007 8:04 PM ET
He absolutely deserves to be court-martialed!
Posted Tue, Jan 2, 2007 8:06 PM ET

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Reflections for a Spiritual event.

myspace codes

Be at peace with love from your kin and many friends

Back from "Home". After 55 years together Father has joined his spouse of 50 years. My family thought they could give him something more to look forward to enjoy on this Earth. But his heart was broken being separated from who he most loved.

I think my Spiritual Kin would have been proud of my speaking at the Wake and Funeral. Thank you for all your teachings that helped me in this time when friends and family needed comfort and reassurance. I think I learned also what not to say and when to let them be still with the words of hope and faith in that it is all good be it here or there. And we do not loose our loved ones; we can feel their comfort in our sorrow in letting them go. They are together with other loved ones and are now embarking on a new journey.
Being the 'horse's mouth' helped also with being able to say our Faith is what comforts us in our facing the next door called Death for what we all await. We will receive that what we most believe is true to be granted in our next journey.
Since before the written word we have kept our knowledge and loved ones alive by speaking of them and sharing our stories/memories.
I had also to be sensitive that they were believers that Jesus is the only way and light to God. I think it was obvious that I was not of that mindset. At the wake they said How do they top what I said in the praise of how our parents raised us and what they enjoyed we too did.
For the funeral, I was delighted that my brother had a Irish/Scottish bagpipe who played patriotic and sentimental Irish songs. There was also an Honor Guard from the Navy.
I opened with the Serenity Prayer.

This version is attributed to Friedrich Oetinger (1702-1782).
Found on history of ...
The short version that most people are familiar with goes as follows:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

We grew up with this pray one of many but we took it into our own lives after leaving our Parents house. Spending time in their home I found it every where. Tucked into little unexpected places. So I thought it was perfect to share at this time.
My sister told me this while she was taking me to the airport; but even before I knew this I wanted to write to the Priest who did the service. She said to me that because I reacted with asthma to my favorite part of a Catholic Mass with the incense, he changed how he did the Mass for consideration of letting me participate. As almost instantly I ran out with a rescue Albuterol inhaler from my sister, as of course mine was in the car. He actually apologized during the Mass when I returned. And thus we got to hear his most beautiful voice. I liked he touched caringly where my father rested. I was impressed.

I complimented the Priest on such a nice service and he leaned over and said he would pray that one day I would be blessed with the true light and right way. I smiled and said thank you I am happy being eclectic and we all worship the same God. :-) (keeping it simple)
It was very emotional and very good though I don't usually 'Do' funerals as they are not for the departed but for the living. I found it was a good thing.

I was reunited with family that I rarely see and will try to keep in touch with them as who knows when I will be there again, and I have waited a long time to be able to get their contact information! As there are those in families we remain fond of.
And we are at Peace. Below a long version of the prayer. Me/LI
Alternate versions of the Serenity Prayer exist. The following version is said to be the author's favorite version in a letter supposedly written by his wife:
God give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed,
courage to change the things which should/must be changed,
and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.
The full version of the prayer is as follows:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and
the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardship as the pathway to peace.
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make all things right, if I surrender to His will.
That I may be reasonably happy in this life,
and supremely happy with Him forever in the next.

Since my father worked and retired from doing the computers for AA they too had their own version, found in Wickipedia. (free dictionary written by us.)

myspace codes
Always a true and faithful spouse, companion, father, and friend.

myspace codes
Peace and Comfort to those you leave to meet another day.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Full Moon Names for 2007 with different resources.

Full Moon Names for 2007 - Yahoo! News Full Moon names date back to Native Americans, of what is now thenorthern and ... is a listing of all the full Moon names, as well as the dates and times for 2007.
Joe Rao serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy for The New York Times and other publications, and he is also an on-camera meteorologist for News 12 Westchester, New York.
Joe Rao Skywatching Columnist Fri Dec 29, 3:15 PM ET

Full Moon Names for 2007

Full Moon names date back to Native Americans, of what is now the northern and eastern United States. Those tribes of a few hundred years ago kept track of the seasons by giving distinctive names to each recurring full Moon. Their names were applied to the entire month in which each occurred.
There were some variations in the Moon names, but in general the same ones were current throughout the Algonquin tribes from New England on west to Lake Superior. European settlers followed their own customs and created some of their own names. Since the lunar ("synodic") month is roughly 29.5 days in length on average, the dates of the full Moon shift from year to year.
Here is a listing of all the full Moon names, as well as the dates and times for 2007. Unless otherwise noted, all times are for the Eastern Time Zone.
Jan. 3, 8:57 a.m. EST - The Full Wolf Moon. Amid the zero cold and deep snows of midwinter, the wolf packs howled hungrily outside Indian villages. It was also known as the Old Moon or the "Moon After Yule." In some tribes this was the Full Snow Moon; most applied that name to the next Moon.
Feb. 2, 12:45 a.m. EST - The Full Snow Moon. Usually the heaviest snows fall in this month. Hunting becomes very difficult, and hence to some tribes this was the Full Hunger Moon.
March 3, 6:17 p.m. EST - The Full Worm Moon. In this month the ground softens and the earthworm casts reappear, inviting the return of the robins. The more northern tribes knew this as the Full Crow Moon, when the cawing of crows signals the end of winter, or the Full Crust Moon because the snow cover becomes crusted from thawing by day and freezing at night. The Full Sap Moon, marking the time of tapping maple trees, is another variation. A total lunar eclipse will take place on this night; the Moon will appear to rise will totally immersed (or nearly so) in the Earth's shadow over the eastern United States. The rising Moon will be emerging from the shadow over the central United States, while over the Western U.S. the eclipse will be all but over by the time the Moon rises.
April 2, 1:15 p.m. EDT - The Full Pink Moon. The grass pink or wild ground phlox is one of the earliest widespread flowers of the spring. Other names were the Full Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and -- among coastal tribes -- the Full Fish Moon, when the shad came upstream to spawn. This is also the Paschal Full Moon; the first full Moon of the spring season. The first Sunday following the Paschal Moon is Easter Sunday, which indeed will be observed six days later on Sunday, April 8.
May 2, 6:09 a.m. EDT - The Full Flower Moon. Flowers are abundant everywhere. It was also known as the Full Corn Planting Moon or the Milk Moon.
May 31, 9:04 p.m. EDT - The Blue Moon. The second full Moon occurring within a calendar month is usually bestowed this title.
Although the name suggests that to have two Full Moons in a single month is a rather rare occurrence (happening "just once in a . . . "), it actually occurs once about every three years on average.
June 30, 9:49 a.m. EDT - The Full Strawberry Moon. Known to every Algonquin tribe. Europeans called it the Rose Moon.
July 29, 8:48 p.m. EDT - The Full Buck Moon, when the new antlers of buck deer push out from their foreheads in coatings of velvety fur. It was also often called the Full Thunder Moon, thunderstorms being now most frequent. Sometimes also called the Full Hay Moon.
Aug. 28, 6:35 a.m. EDT - The Full Sturgeon Moon, when this large fish of the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water like Lake Champlain is most readily caught. A few tribes knew it as the Full Red Moon because the moon rises looking reddish through sultry haze, or the Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon. A total lunar eclipse will coincide with moonset for the eastern United States. The Central and Mountain Time Zones will see the Moon's emergence coincide with moonset, while the western United States will see the entire eclipse.
Sept. 26, 3:45 p.m. EDT - The Full Harvest Moon. Always the full Moon occurring nearest to the Autumnal Equinox. Corn, pumpkins, squash, beans, and wild rice-- the chief Indian staples--are now ready for gathering.
Oct. 26, 12:52 a.m. EDT - The Full Hunter's Moon. With the leaves falling and the deer fattened, it is time to hunt. Since the fields have been reaped, hunters can ride over the stubble, and can more easily see the fox, also other animals that have come out to glean and can be caught for a thanksgiving banquet after the harvest. The Moon will also be at perigee later this day, at 7:00 a.m., at a distance of 221,676 miles from Earth. Very high tides can be expected from the coincidence of perigee with full Moon.
Nov. 24, 9:30 a.m. EST - The Full Beaver Moon. Time to set beaver traps before the swamps freeze to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. Another interpretation suggests that the name Beaver Full Moon comes from the fact that the beavers are now active in their preparation for winter. Also called the Frosty Moon.
Dec. 23, 2:51 a.m. EST - The Full Cold Moon; among some tribes, the Full Long Nights Moon. In this month the winter cold fastens its grip, and the nights are at their longest and darkest. Also sometimes called the "Moon before Yule" (Yule is Christmas, and this time the Moon is only just before it). The term Long Night Moon is a doubly appropriate name because the midwinter night is indeed long and the Moon is above the horizon a long time. The midwinter full Moon takes a high trajectory across the sky because it is opposite to the low Sun.

Full Moon Fever
The Fallacy of the Full Moon
Skywatcher's Guide to the Moon
Top 10 Luna-Terms
Original Story: Full Moon Names for 2007
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Farmers' Almanac - Dates and Times of Full Moons
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Dates and Times of Full Moons.
Here are the dates, names, and times (EST) of full moons in 2006 and 2007 from the Farmers' Almanac. Have you ever wondered why full Moons were given these names? Click here and get the fascinating facts! Remember, 2007 Farmers' Almanac also has more information on upcoming best times to view Solar and Lunar eclipses, the planets, meteor showers and more.
Astronomy has been a vital part of the Farmers' Almanac since its beginning. Below are Farmers' Almanac Astronomy Web pages that provide information you may find very useful and educational. Remember, the 2007 Farmers' Almanac also contains the latest information regarding the best times to view Solar and Lunar eclipses, the planets, and much more.
Current Phase of the Moon
Dates And Times of Full Moons in 2006 and 2007
Full Moon Names and Their Meanings
What's a "Blue Moon"?
Dates And Times of the Seasons
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Farmers' Almanac Astronomy Forum
Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, And Moonset Times Courtesy of the U.S. Naval Observatory, you can find exact times of sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset for one day or for the entire year for US cities or locations worldwide
.• Phases of the Moon From Years 1700 To 2030 This Web page from the USNO shows the day, hour, and minute of the various phases of the Moon.
Table Of Moon Illumination From any location on the Earth, this Web page shows how the Moon is illuminated to some degree by direct sunlight at any specific time.
Tidal Information From NOAA, you can obtain tidal predictions for more than 3000 water level stations.
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Earth Observatory Explore the world from space. NASA provides the most amazing images of Earth from space on this website.
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