Floridians: Knowing we all are affected by Hurricanes, here is some help we can all use!
I saw this last night on nbc6 tv. [ http://www.nbc6.net ] I found it in the Miami Herald. http://www.miamiherald.com
I thought every one could benefit from knowing that like last year, we are getting a tax exemption, and next year it is planned also. It is better that we are prepared ahead of time rather than trying to get stuff right before or after our storms. So good luck!
Knowing last year if I had been prepared, the 3 weeks being w/o things I could have made it easier to have while not having electricity, phones, and satalite. I was w/o food, water, cash and gas, because I wasn't listened to because IT was just going to pass by and not affect us! I am not letting that happen ever again. As I thought last year was worse than Andrew in 92 where I lost my home. I think because we recovered far faster!
And sad news. Like FPL making us pay an increase of 19%+ our insurances are likely to be raised 20% to pay for all the damage and the insurances having to pay out in 2005! Best wishes to all!
HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS: 12-day tax break lets state stock up for hurricanes. A tax 'holiday' in late May will give Floridians extra incentive to stock up on hurricane supplies before the June 1 start of hurricane season. BY MARC CAPUTO mcaputo@MiamiHerald.com
TALLAHASSEE - Shoppers won't have to pay sales taxes on a wide array of hurricane supplies for 12 days before the storm season begins, under a bill Gov. Jeb Bush signed into law Thursday as legislators debated a host of disaster-preparedness bills.The so-called tax ''holiday'' allows shoppers to buy big-ticket items -- such as generators up to $1,000 and shutters for $200 each -- and on small supplies, like ice packs, batteries and flashlights. The holiday, which will cost state and local governments $41 million combined, will run this year from May 21 until June 1, when hurricane season starts. The holiday will be repeated next year about the same time.
PAST EXPERIENCE: ''We've learned a lot from Charley and Frances and Ivan and Jeanne and Dennis and Katrina and Rita and Wilma,'' Bush said, ticking off the storms that have damaged Florida in the past two years.''We want all Floridians to be prepared,'' Bush said. ``No amount of relief and recovery will be able to overcome a lack of preparedness.''To that end, the state House on Thursday gave initial approval to a batch of hurricane preparedness bills, one of which requires gas stations near evacuation routes to be rewired so that they can run on generator power.
FUEL PROVISIONS: Newly built gas stations must be generator-ready, and owners of 10 or more gas stations must have at least one generator capable of being driven to a station. Also, fuel distributors, such as those at Port Everglades, would be required to be able to pump fuel for a minimum of 36 hours before and after a storm. Owners of buildings that are taller than 75 feet would be required to add generators to power elevators, and private vendors such as supermarket chains would be encouraged to work with emergency managers to help distribute post-hurricane supplies.
PREPAREDNESS BILLS: [for all the bill seeks to spend]http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/news/state/14448110.htm
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